MILLBURN – If you were shopping at the Mall at Short Hills on Wednesday, Dec. 1 and wondered about the heavy police presence, you were in the minority.
As a contingent of approximately 30 NJ State Police, Millburn Police and other law enforcement officials walked through the mall most shoppers just took it in stride. The few that came up and asked what was going on were given a handout from the State Police asking for the public’s help in identifying threats to security.
Sgt. Steve McDonough, left, and Trooper I Fernando Torres patrol the Mall at Short Hills on Dec. 1 as part of a campaign to encourage shoppers to report any suspicious activity.
According to a spokesperson for the State Police, patrols go out throughout the state several times a month, concentrating on high traffic areas such as malls and train stations as a proactive attempt to deter crime and to let the public know that their help is needed in reporting suspicious activity.
The State Police have set up a 24-hour toll-free tip line for the public to report tips or information about suspicious activity or behavior that might possibly be related to terrorism. That number is 1-866-4-SAFE-NJ (1-866-472-3365).
why would the state police send law enforcement to patrole the mall especially at the Short Hills Mall. what minority started visiting the short hills mall? where they have weamen hand bags that are worth 2000 dollars or more. why not send officers to patrol the jersey mall. i guess to many minorities go there so there is no need for law enforcement out there. this is just a waste of tax payers money
I agree this is ridiculous!!...there is no need to patrol short hills mall. Maybe 1 or 2 officers will be fine but i think they should try Jersey Gardens mall instead. Alot of young teenagers hang out there. I think the state patrol should stay on the roads because more car accidents happens around the holidays. SJC 1687
wow this is an amazing idea. Can you imagine all of the shoplifting they will stop or even prevent because of there presence. why waste these officers time by giving them real police work. I don't live in short hills, but I will gladly sit here. unprotected to support using tax money to protect Short Hills mall. HAY its called rent-a-cop. there are a lot of Ronnie Barnhardt's out there in New Jersey. Another thing getting the word out by passing flyers, even Obama used the internet.
BAD 0446
This has gotten way out of hand this is like saying we dont want anyone that is not of a certain race to come to this mall. If everyone pays their taxes then what is wrong with going to another mall. Then they had the nerve to be passing flyers around like this was cool.
I think that was a good idea. Short hills mall do have a lot of top brands and cause of that are probably more likely for something big to happen. If everyone be aware of their surroundings then maybe a crime can be prevented.
This is pointless.That is all
Regardless of what mall the poilce are patrolling in, at leaset they are potrolling. We are heading into the biggest shopping month of the season and fact is malls are one of the highest traffic areas in the sate. And considering they asked to report any suspicious activity or behavior that might possibly be related to terrorism it makes sence because the past couple of terrorist attacks have been around this season. -LMD 7029
I think this was an great idea but i do think that this should not be done at the most expensive mall, it should be done for all.
JN 8831
I think this is a good precaution and a well organized safety measure for civilians.
I think that it is a very good precaution and safety measure,I just wish they would show their present in more of the urban malls like Jersey Garden Mall in Elizabeth, NJ.
Wow! The police force never seize to amaze me. There is always a big presence of officers in the nicest malls. But lets see if that ever happen where the miniorities live. Oh I'm sorry they don't need police present because the store managers can catch the thiefs. What a price to pay to not have such luxury...SMHH!!!...3774
I think its a little sterotypical to automattically asssume that only caucasions shop at short hills and the minorities shop at jersy gardens. I'm actually a latina and i shop at short hills all the time, and theres alot of euoropeans who shop it jersey gardens; if their cities can afford it then by all means patroll malls(especially since the malls are so crowded at this time of year). I think we're forgetting the big picture with is to prevent crime and be proactive instead of reactive. LMD 7029
Great idea, but i think it makes more sense to be in bigger mall like jersey gardens mall with more minorities...i would love to see
the there lb 9816
I think it's a good idea to have some town police or security officers around shopping centers. But state police shouldn't deal with small issues such as with shoplifters.GY0229
There is not need for too many police to go out there together. Why Short Hills Mall? They just are trying to look good to rich people. They should go to Jersey Garden Mall where poor people shop and need to be protected from stealing, shop lifting, etc. To protect against terrorism make sense.
In response, a detail is a detail no matter where it begins. Who cares if one area is more economically successful than another? Criminals are opportunistic. Terrorist are opportunistic. Short hills guarantees you a Rolex watch, diamond rings greater than a caret and Louie Vuitton handbags with cash.
On the other hand, terrorist are looking for numbers. They do not care if you’re a surgeon or a patient. Why would they care if you’re a shoplifter or a shopper with bags full of goodies? They are all about shock and awe.
Law enforcement officers are trained to make observations and write reports on their observations. These observations can assist with ongoing investigations. Ultimately law enforcements greatest assets are its citizens. This is why it’s important to report suspicious activities. Furthermore, only you can protect yourself or your family. If you sense or see someone or something that’s suspicious or out of place with respect to your environment, than who better than you to report it immediately.
In a sense the Short Hills Mall wouldnt seem like much of a target for violence or crime but on the other hand the enemy can strike in the most unthinkable places. Its good to have precautions. Precautionary steps keep innocent people alive.
I agree with this proactive approach,if we the people would show more concern our country will be less vulnerable
I think this is crazy because it all has to do with minorities coming in to shop at short hills manll. I frequently go to jersey gardens, willowbrook, hell even paramus and menlo park and never had to deal with that type of shit. Short Hills Mall always had some come mierda cunts who look down on people who may not be from that area. In some ways it would be nice if the locals would take that approach instead of harrassing the people within the city.
I agree that public places are being patrol but it should be done evenly through all the malls and other public places that what we tax payers pay for...
i honestly believe that this is ridiculous. we need more police officers patrolling the streets, where crime actually occurs and danger can happen in a blink of an eye. instead our tax payers money is having them patrol a mall.
I think that some police presence is necessary, however, I don't think that "heavy" police presence is required. Of course the presence should be slightly increased during times of heavier shopping flow. If it must be done, then I think that it should be dispersed evenly throughout all our malls not just one or two. Id prefer to see the "heavy" presence to be seen in places where carjackings and robbery is high.
This is a good idea, but they should have done the same for other malls, like JerseyGardens or Willowbrook because those malls are bigger.
if your gonn say its pointless atleast state your argument..i think its pointless because these same terrorists or random ppl can use it to deceive and waste resources giving bogus tips sending the policing around researching providing distraction so they can successfully commit the crime. Everyone already know that if u see a suspiciously terrorism act call 911..they dont have to create a new organization for that..crazy ppl will be calling reporting anything as suspicious terriorism wasting tax money sending cops on a wild goose chase..isnt that a crime? to cry wolf/decieve cops? well if thats wat it takes to stop 9/11 from repeating then carry on.
who the hell would want to bomb or go on a shooting rampade at this mall? hahaha everytime i go there there arent that many people compared to mass transit places or other malls. this was a waste of money. s.d. cji 102 4954
This was a good idea. Its gets citizens involve about what's going on around them and in turn citizens can also become the eyes and ears for law enforcment as well. I would feel better knowing that there are people with much power to handle a situation rather than a rental cop. Anything can happen at anytime or any place even at a mall. Better safe than sorry.
This could really help deter crime if taken seriously. Malls have many people at all times and crimes do occur also. The "see something, say something" campaign comes into play and it can help prevent future crimes if it is taken seriously.
I think this is great for all malls and heavy populated areas, like shopping centers. It gives the community a feel of protection. Why complain about it when whenever something happens, we question why aren't police around in public more? This is good and it is in a way community policing because the people can feel comfortable to go up to the leo's and communicate on a regular basis. Why do officers make themselves present only after something has happened?
A.A. 511
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