A high-ranking, Trenton-based Department of Corrections official may soon see what life is like on the other side of the prison bars. He was caught on audio and video by the FBI soliciting and accepting thousands of dollars in bribes from two subordinates, federal officials announced yesterday.
Between May and early October, Lydell B. Sherrer allegedly accepted $9,000 in cash payments and handed over official corrections documents during meetings at the Crystal Diner in Lawrence and the Americana Diner in East Windsor.
Sherrer, a 51-year-old Neptune resident, was taken into custody Tuesday morning at the Hyatt Regency in West Windsor, moments after accepting $2,000 cash handed over by one of the two employees who had turned FBI informant, authorities said.
“There is no place in government for shakedowns, and those who believe bribes are how business is done in New Jersey will learn the consequence of their corruption,” U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman said in a statement.
Sherrer, the department’s Assistant Commissioner for the Division of Programs and Community Services, initiated negotiations with both employees, according to a criminal complaint. Both reported his actions, prompting an FBI sting operation. Their identities are being kept confidential.
For one employee had learned he would be laid off June 30, Sherrer allegedly offered to either return the worker to a similar job or secure a well-paid position with a department contractor for $10,000. An employee who found he was going to be demoted was approached by Sherrer within days, who said that for $6,500 Sherrer would serve as a silent advocate during private meetings and negotiations about a potential discrimination lawsuit, according to the complaint.
Sherrer had no illusions about what he was doing, said FBI Special Agent in Charge Michael Ward. “It should not go unnoticed that Sherrer, during the course of several meetings with multiple cooperating witnesses, set his price and openly acknowledged the quid pro quo that could be expected by those meeting his price, be it the promise of a new job or favorable influence with settlement of a lawsuit,” he said.
The FBI was listening as Sherrer talked with the laid-off employee on the phone Sept. 8. “We discussed me getting a position based on quid pro quo, right?” the employee asked. “Yes,” Sherrer answered, according to the complaint. Sherrer was also recorded asking the same person if he had any “green” for him, but was told he would not get any more money until the former employee got a job.
“Defendant Sherrer responded, ‘You know something, that sounds more than fair and (pause) nooo, that’s more than fair, that’s what we agreed to,’” the complaint reads. Sherrer is a 28-year veteran of the corrections department, whose 2009 salary was listed as $131,000 in public records. In 2009, Sherrer had been a deputy commissioner reporting directly to the head of the department. He last completed ethics training on March 31, authorities said.
If convicted, Sherrer faces a maximum potential penalty of 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000 on each of the two counts of of soliciting and receiving bribes in connection with his official duties. Fishman thanked FBI special agents from the bureau’s Trenton Resident Agency with developing the investigation.
Living as a police officer does not mean that one should give out information on certain events. This really shows how greedy a person could be when money is involved and does whatever to get it. People should stop being so greedy and look at it as a matter of safety and what would that person would want that information for.
This is an absolute shame that people are doing things like getting bribes for information. People today will do anything for money often individuals have to look on the outside this person is getting information on this what could one be using it for. Some people have no standards or morals at all.
Wow!! I really think that's absurd.. Why would anyone jeopardize their repetation for what's considered to be chump change for you. It doesn't make any sense to me @ all your year salary is $131,000 & you would allow yourself to be put in that predicament that's just being avaricious & god don't like ugly. He deserve to get the full maximum punishment in my opinion.
Corruption seems to be everywhere. Why one would risk the chance of losing there job is crazy. Yes! We are in a recession but to gamble your life for some quick cash. Who's the loser in all this now..RSI-3774
Anonymous Said
I don't put anything past, the police department,the mayor, and anyone else in New Jersey, they are so known for this type of behavior for years, Corruption City should be the named.
Sherrer is a 28-year veteran of the corrections department, whose 2009 salary was listed as $131,000 in public records.
I am so annoyed by this. Why would you throw your whole life away? And these are the people the pay little taxes! I guess this is why so they can bribe people for money that they have and not to meantion commit crimes. He should get the maximum sentence so he can see how HE ended his own life.. sb-8642
JN 8831
These officers Have an amazing job, not everyone is Blessed to work as an officer. It is disappointing that money is the cause of these tragic officers negative decisions.
Money makes the world go round and this is what happened with this officer. He got greedy and realized the money was right there. And now he is going to regret even accepting the bribe. Atleast his crime will not go unpunished.
I am not sorry for Mr. Sherrer in breaking the law. I am sad for him family who will suffer emotinally and finacially. The unscrupulous behavior says a lot about his character, he is above the law.
The deeds the we do whether good or bad will not go un-noticed, but will be exposed for good or for shame.
Sherrer shuold be placed on the other side of the wall. he made a choice it wasnt a good one, but he needs to learn. U.S. attorney Fishman is right he should be punished because no one is above the law. T.C. 3006
oh yeah we can say that this person got greedy with money. but he sould it known better. after all his jobs is to capture and prevent people from doing this type of crimes. i guess $9000 was the forviden apple for this officer.
Money makes the world go round. This wasnt a good choice at all, definitely was not worth it.Lost everything for a little bit of change. He should be punished and made an example of. This is where being greedy gets you...
He was greedy. His salary was Fantastic. Y throw that away. Good he was caught. That's straight up corruption. Now he lost everthing jus to keep a few extra bucks.
it goes to show how greedy some people are. Its also sad becasue you wonder did this person ever stop to think what hes risking. He threw away his career for some money. now not only does he get no money but hes probably never going to get a satisfing career because of his actions. LMD 7029
Will corruption ever stop
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