MOUNT HOLLY -- Former Bordentown City police chief Phil Castagna was found guilty today of conspiring with his ex-con buddy to have his estranged wife killed in a firebombing.
Facing 10 to 20 years when sentenced on Dec. 3, Castagna heard the judge revoke his $350,000 cash bail, was handcuffed and taken away to the Burlington County jail seconds after the jury came in with the guilty verdict
He was convicted of conspiracy to commit murder and violating a court order to stay away from his ex, Joyce Leopold, whose home in Burlington Township was singed by a firebomb that didn’t cause serious damage on Independence Day in 2003.
The first trial of Castagna, 48, ended last year with the jury unable to make a decision on the attempted murder charge filed after the ex-chief’s buddy the convicted burglary, Gary Hall, admitted to cops that he had toss the bomb on orders from the police chief.
A s came out at the trials, authorities convinced Hall to wear a wire in a bid to get a clear admission of guilt from the former law officer, but Castagna is heard telling Hall only “accomplish the mission,’’ which two jurors at the first trial didn’t think was incriminating enough to convict, leading to the mistrial.
Assistant Prosecutor Michael Luciano, who lost to famed defense lawyer Robin Lord at the first trial, won praise from Prosecutor Robert Bernardi today for his handling of the second trial and for winning the conviction.
Anonymous,I just don't think anything can be so bad,where you want to killed your ex-wife, and to top it off you are a cheif of police, what kind of example are you setting for the community and family. I just think it's so sad some police think they are evincible. ts-8855
These are the people that lead our police departments...This just goes to show that some people take the power they have and think they can do whatever they want..sb-8642
This a prime example of how people in high places can be just bad influences. I agree with TS.. You hate your wife that much that you want her dead. What is this world coming to. But justice has prevailed and he should be a shamed to have worned a badge and dishonored his position...RSI-3774
This is absolutely a shame, if you don't want someone one should just tell the person instead of killing the person. If the situation is that bad just walk away. What was the purpose of getting married if you are just going to go and kill the person all because one does not want to pay alimony. Then on top of this he is a chief police officer is this what America has come to. its a darn shame.
JN 8831
This situation is very sad. As a professional he should have known better. Instead of being part of this deviant crime.
This goes to show who runs some Police Deptartments. He is "High" on the superior scale and since he is above all others he thinks he can do what he wants. I am glad he was wrong and he will deserve everything that happens to him. Kill his wife in a fire bombing? That is ridiculous.
- EM3583
Sometimes the things that people do really blows me away.The fact that you would have your ex-wife killed is beyond crazy.Someone that you once loved, and vowed to give your life to .Nothing going on in that relationship could be that deep.I hope that he gets everything that he deserves!
The former police chief Phil Catagna is a idiot. he should of knew he was going to get caught. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!!. just walking away from the marriage would of been his best bet.T.C.3006
it is amaising how a police offiecer thinks that he can get away with a criminal act. dosent he know better that evry criminal gets cought. i guess he forgat what he learn during his trainings.
police officers are human and they have feelings too. but they should be able to control feeling and acts like professional not like teenager.
Respect the uniform and not the man.
wow he's a psychopath do they still constantly test the sanity of these ppl protecting us?people in police field can drive one crazy that's why they should be constantly evaluated by a certified psychiatrist.
This man was the chief. THe one that everyone reports too and here he is trying to off his off. He is the one that is suppose to protect his wife not try to murder her. Wow where does it go from here? Are judges going to be the next in line?
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