Homegrown Terrorists
German Jihadist Eric Breininger Killed in Pakistan, Group Claims
By Yassin Musharbash
Eric Breininger, one of Germany's most wanted suspected terrorists, has been killed in a battle with Pakistani troops in the Waziristan tribal region of Pakistan, according to an unconfirmed statement by a jihadist group. Breininger had appeared in several Internet videos trying to recruit terrorists in Germany.
Eric Breininger, a German-born convert to Islam wanted by German police on suspicion of belonging to a terrorist cell, was killed on April 30 in a firefight with Pakistani troops, according to an unconfirmed claim by a Jihadi group on Sunday.
Breininger, 22, was a member of the Islamic Jihad Union and had contacts with the homegrown group of terrorists who plotted to bomb US targets in Germany in 2007. Three of the members of that group, known as the Sauerland cell after the region of western Germany where it was based, were arrested in September 2007 as they were preparing to carry out bombing attacks. They were sentenced to long jail terms in March this year.
A Turkish Islamist known as "Salaheddin," who was in charge of the Islamic Jihad Union's Internet site, is also reported to have been killed in the fight. German authoritities believe Salaheddin is Ahmet M., who was born in Germany and deported to Turkey 10 years ago.
German authorities said they were checking the report. The written statement made by the group called Taifatul Mansura and seen by SPIEGEL ONLINE says the two men were attacked by "Pakistanis who have deserted their faith" near the town of Mir Ali. It is likely to be referring to Pakistani soldiers. Ahmet M. had killed four attackers by exploding a hand grenade even though he had already been severely wounded, the statement said.
Propaganda Videos
Eric Breininger was believed to have been in the Waziristan border region between Afghanistan and Pakistan since September 2007. He had appeared in several propaganda videos posted by the IJU in recent years and had tried to recruit new members in Germany.
If his death is confirmed he will be the fourth German-born jihadist to have died in the Pakistan-Afghanistan border region.
Cüneyt Ciftci from Bavaria in southern Germany committed a suicide attack in Afghanistan in March 2008 in the name of the IJU. Javad S. from Bonn, who had joined the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, died last autumn in a clash with Pakistani soldiers. Saadullah Kaplan, who like Breininger and Ciftci had been recruited by the Sauerland cell, died in autumn 2007 in a gun battle.
Taifatul Mansura is a mainly Turkish group which operates under the command of the Afghan Taliban and is closely linked to the IJU. Its statement says: "We, those responsible for the region Germany, regard it as important to mention that the jihad is getting increasing numbers of supporters from Europe, especially from Germany."
German authorities believe several dozen German-born jihadists are currently in Afghanistan and Waziristan.
I find it very interesting that some of us are actually surprised that people thought that the only inidividuals that made up the jihad were people from the middle east. Crazy attracts crazy, it doesn't matter culture, nationality, geographic location etc...
It is not shocking that things like this would happen. Because people live all over the place and one may have their own personal issues with another certain race.If it is crazy then yes people will love it.
It goes to show you that terrorist are made up of all races. They will recruit anyone who fits the description of what the group seeks for to fight the battle for them. The question is! Do you really know your neighbor? Just a little food for thought.. RSI-3774
This article leaves me speechless because what is going to be done with this is the question that comes to mind. The recruitment of terrorist on the internet, does it get any worse, this is absurd. I dont think the goverment should take this lighly, this should end now/ not be permitted in any form. My opinion is that it can/ will get out of control if it is allowed and/or go any further.
Terroristis come in all different colors. White, Black, Brown doesn't matter, they do it for a reason and that is on them. What is going to be done about recruiting terrorists? Is the government going to step in finally?
- EM3583
People don't be shock by this acts more people are going to be ifluence by this terrorist. this new era and television and games are the # one helpers to influence our new generation. and the medial is a powerful one it reaches any continent, country, religion,race.
Terrorist are anybody who feels that have to punish those who are doing wrong in their eyes.They are willing to give their lives for the purpose. How can you fight people that are willing to die?. T.C. 3006
This is scarey. This is why racial profiling needs to stop. U can be stop n a middle east person and its really the white guy with the suit that has the bomb. Terrorist can be any nationality.
terriorist can come in all shapes and sizes, and being that national security is trying its hardest now to prevent it; it seems like were catching more and more home grown terrorists. Its sad but all we can do is support our men and woman who defend our country and try to remember what they do everyday to try and keep us (the citizans) safe LMD 7029
Great! We have just found a new poster child for airport security in America. German authorities must be pissed off about this incident.
Kinda makes you think how many Americans are really on the side of the Jihadists... only time will reveal when and if America stands alone with no allies.
The comment on America standing alone was by
AR 758197433
I can careless about know terrorism you live by the sword you die by the sword
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