The police appear to be wrong and the cover-up already began. I could not believe the verbiage in the police report. It is disturbing that this continues to happen. Fortunately, it was captured on video.
The main cause of Police Brutality is the lack of recovering from low self esteem. A lot of people, in position of authority, were picked on in high school. They join the military, or police force, and strive to get promoted to attain some type of POWER. They are the same knuckleheads who were ridiculed because they stuttered, got good grades or were horrible at sports. Once they achieve success, with their position, they immediately want respect. Unfortunately, there are two road blocks associated with their new intentions
I'll admit that I initially thought the guy was going to attack or in someway try to hurt the horses or their partners (mounted officer). On the film, the manor in which he was running towards the officers could be perceived as aggression. If the police would have stopped the guy while he was still charging forward I probably wouldn't have had much anger at the situation at all. The guy was obviously an idiot for running in the direction of the riot geared cops and mounted officers, but idiot is not against the law. (It probably should be.)
I wonder what being dressed in full battle regalia does to the psyche of an officer? Had they not been dressed for battle would they have acted the same way? The fact the there is seemingly no reasonable excuse for their physical aggression, doesn't mean there aren't any mitigating factors.
As a victim of police misconduct and a fudged police report, I'm glad it was caught on tape. The idea of an officer lying on a police report is appalling, and literally makes me feel sick. The officers who lied should be immediately brought up on charges.
It is simply amazing that officers who conduct themselves in this manner continue to think they are above the law. Maybe the kid was a little too happy, but does that warrant a beating such as the one he received? Don't these officers realize that the world is now viral....anything can be captured on video (whether on your phone, or camera) and be uploaded to the internet in an instant. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If not for that video, the 2 victims would most definitely would be.
**Peace be with You**CG7304
In the video you see McKenna skipping down the street until he gets by the police officer on the horse. After watching Maryland beat Duke especially in basketball and some liquid courage he was probably in a different state of mind. None the less something the police officer on the horse did or said made him stop. I'm sure McKenna didn't give the most responsible reply but there was no need for the beating. McKenna didn't appear to make any hostile movement. Police officers were well aware of what events like this can bring to a college environment. Lucky for McKenna, there's a video to back him up. I am curious to get an update on this matter, especially once they identify the officers who beat a student and tried to cover it up!...mp9504
In any situation any one, either a police officer or a citizen has a different view and reaction.The reaction depends on how they perceive this situation and how their emotional situations are. Sometimes the reaction of the police officer is the result of the stress in his job.This is the reason why sometimes the forces uses by the police officer is not proportional to the action of the suspect.J.E9722
In many situations police officers use excessive force to impose their power.this is a bad image for the community policing.J.E9722
That is a same, these police officer need to think before they do things. That student did not deserve to get beating like that, those police office need their ass beat for that. Now what about if the young man would have died than what would have been their excuse.
JN 8831
Police Brutality Is a Big issue in the United States. It should not occur just to prove a point.Police officers should be a little more professional and have better morals before attempting to protect a person or a group of people.
That should not be business of police going around beaten, killing and most of the time using unnecessary force. they should protect the citizen. When are they learn that?. The funny thing is the most of the time not only one of them beat one person, but all in the group jump in any body. They are acting ignorant and stupic.
A.L.V. 5309
I guess the student won't go out celebrating again. He should have walk away from the start, or even better, he shouldn't had walk in that direction. He had trouble written right on his forehead. I hope he learn his lesson not to insult an officer. He deserved it.. JTG-7666
So I'm hanging out with a buddy the other night and a DEA agent friend of his shows up as we are discussing the beating the student in the video received. She (the DEA agent) said she knows some of the officers close to the incident and said that the video doesn't show everything. She said that prior to the student running towards the horses, he was throwing bottles and rocks at the officers. She also claims that the reason the reports didn't match up with the actual event that took place, is because the officer who did the reports wasn't one of the officers at the incident. According to her the officers took the student into custody, dropped him off at the precinct, and had a desk officer fill out the paperwork after giving him a brief verbal explanation as to what took place. In my opinion EVERYTHING she said was a crock of sh!t. Although I did find it interesting that the alleged intended defense argument of those officers had already made it's way from Maryland to Newark via a DEA agent. I also found it sad that the DEA agent saw nothing wrong with what the officers did.
That video showed flat-out police brutality, and no one deserves this type of treatment especially if they have done nothing wrong
No cop should beat anyone with their knife stick. Police really abuses their power. Their other ways to handle things besides beating someone.
Wow!!...now this is definitely police brutality!!....they took it way too far. SJC 1687
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