Are the walls starting to crumble? It appears that human behavior is rearing its evil head in the City of Newark. What the residents do not need is more scandal and corruption. Let's give Newark the benefit of the doubt right now, but I would expect Mayor Booker to check those around him. He still has a very promising future, if this latest debacle does not get to him.
Just the other day I went to make a delivery to Mount Vernon elementary school and to my horror all of the computers had OUT OF ORDER signs on them. Now, you look at all of the corruption in New Jersy and the children are suffering from it. I'm happy that cory booker booker has aspiration for his-self to not to be caught up in that ring of disgraced individuals. Then again, it's disappointing to know his trusted Deputy Mayor is named in the indictment. When people feel the benefit outweigh the punishment, they need to think more critically!!! SJS-5514
Mayor Cory Booker is one man that is trying to get rid of corruption.But the corrupted are cunning people.Let the mayor try to rebuild Newark NJ.Madmax
Mayor Cory Booker is trying up against an Italian run city that will limit him in ridding the city of the riff-raft. He has to be all so careful in this situation even with all eyes on Newark. 5223
D.J. 8791
It's just sad that it is always the inner city, high crime areas that get the shorter end of the stick. It is always the places who need it most that are being cheated and taken advantage of. A great way to try and correct this issue is to have a social capital, where members of these communities can play a greater and more unified role in these elected officials and also have a sense of trust towards them.
The whole city hall needs a makeover, Councilmans, mayor, employees etc... Everyone is grabbing money from somewhere, but who is going to admitted, they just point a finger to the person next to them. City of Newark should be under FEDERAL INVESTIGATION, if is not already. JTG-7666
Newark is a safer place than it was before and Salahuddin has played an integral role in making it safer. I thank him for what he was able to accomplish as Newark's deputy mayor for public safety. That being said, it is unfortunate that he has found himself in this situation, but if he is guilty then he should pay for his crime.
This isn't just an inner city problem, and who cares if the people "running" the city are Italian, Black, Spanish, or Martian. Corruption is wrong. I do wonder if any institution would be able to run effectively without some degree of "corruption" (a serious bending of the rules). The danger is that many times corruption becomes the norm, and rules are blatantly broken. Bending runs is a grey issue, but let's not act as if we don't all do it.
I believe that ALL government agencies should be under continues federal investigation, but then again who's going to investigate the federal investigators?
In regards to Pablo Fonseca's role in this mater, let the tape recordings speak for themselves. I respect him and admire his accomplishments, but if he is guilty of some sort of impropriety, then he too should pay the piper. If he is found to have involvement then I would extend then same gratitude for his service that I would to Salahuddin, and find the situation to be unfortunate. Not too long ago former Mayor Sharpe James had to pay the toll for his actions, but the work he had done (particularly early in his reign) was beneficial and should be appreciated.
not surprised!...theres so many people in high stature that turn to bribery. People cannot resist more money! SJC 1687
the mayor is trying, but its not helping
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