I think the ATF should take stronger action when a agent is threaten.
D.J. 8791---> Firstly i would like to address the lack of proper communication between the different Justice departments. As Mr. Dobyns stated "internal disputes between prosecutors and the ATF over presenting evidence and exposing informants weakened the case." These law enforcers need to have more unity - how else will they reap a justified outcome. This gives account for the many innocent individuals imprisoned and all the guilty ones walking freely committing more crimes as they go along.
To address the real matter, in some respect Mr. Dobyns is being very GREEDY. He already had a book out of the whole situation. He also was setting up a movie deal - he should be able to help his family out with the moving and not whine about it. I understand its his job which got him in the situation in the first place but, as he said clearly, no one put a gun to his head, he was willing and ready. At this point i think there is very little the ATF can do... this guy is trying to get fame out of punking a gang... what did he expect to happen? If you ask me, he should have kept it strictly business and didn't go to the extent of books and movie deals.
I do agree that the ATF should help Mr. Dobyns with his financial needs of moving from town to town (state to state) but as far as security - they cant have a watchdog by his every move.
Since Mr. Dobyns is a 23 year veteran. I would say they give him an early retirement and he move to the Caribbean.
The ATF should put forth every effort to provide Mr. Dobyns with protection for him and his family. When someone goes undercover it is always a risky and dangerous situation for the agent(s).Indeed, being a law enforcement agent has it pros and cons but no officer should be subjected to harrassment, death threats and your house being burned down while your family sleeps. That is horrifying to say the least. I'm in support of Mr. Dobyns and his lawsuit, there isn't enough money to compensate his family from the terror they had endured. He have the same right to be protected just like anyone else in law enforcement. SJS-5514
In a gang trust is everything and betrayal is deadly frowned upon based on my little knowledge of gangs. Dobyns went undercover to put away gang members that are killing, selling drugs you name it they do it. The Hells Angels are discussed for what they are - violent gang members. Do we really think that they are toy-toteing goodie-two-shoes? No they are not you betray them you are done, they protect their own to death. As Hells Angels they don’t give a f**k and don’t care who cares. They openly say we will beat your ass and are proud of it. Dobyns came and gained their trust just to betray them in the end so of course they are gunning for him and his family. As far as ATF is concerned, they hate Dobyns too for all of his accusations of them not protecting him as they should, but when one of their agents can go undercover to put away the gang members after he does so and asks for protection he get none. This dude has got kids wanting to become ATF agents (although in fairness he probably has kids wanting to be Hells Angels too) and I doubt it is so they can play fireman. I know, I know, a lot of people will call him names for whining about not being protected. The final word is that whether you like him or not the dude got in the middle of your biker mix and did it with a recorder duct-taped under his nuts. Step away from the claims of betrayal. His job pays him to get inside, not fall in love. Most of them at the ATF would sh*t their own pants just having to approach an Hell Angel booth at a public run to buy the $30 t-shirt. So really they should thankd him for what he did in the time that he did it.....VAF2053
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