The debacle regarding racial profiling is about to rear its ugly head again; as if it ever left. Unfortunately, the usual suspects will be the targets. Within the last week, we have all seen the news coverage regarding the Nigerian subject arrested for trying to blow himself up on an airplane. At first glance, he looks no different than an American college student. His appearance will open up the flood gates for law enforcement to target Black males, again. It is unfortunate, but then again, we are in some trying times. I must admit that I was hoping that he looked much different, but it is what it is. How do we deal with the inevitable problems racial profiling issue this time? However, the following day, the airline authorities found an explosive on another plane and the culprit was an American. Let's see how they sweep this one under the rug. The American doesn't pose a problem for society, only the boogie man does.
Update: I truly believe in the First Amendment, especially as it relates to this blog. As you will read, an anonymous writer vehemently disagrees with what I have written. His or her usage of words tells me this is a controversial topic. However, as I have said to everyone, I will not censure the writer. I published their comments with the utmost respect for their views. Also, to the anonymous writer, this blog was created for my students and they know the rules regarding posting comments. Your total disrespect for my views tells me you are not one of my students, but that is okay. Next time, please bring something more to the conversation than just your rude comments. Nonetheless, for the record, I will not be shoving anything up my "ass." Thank you and continue to read.
I think being a minority does the job for racial profiling… being white nowadays is 2 thumbs up…that is if you are white being the majority… just being like a high school case….anyone bigger then you will try to bully…. Never the less people need to understand that there are bad apples in every race and every dark skinned human being can’t be “labeled” as a terrorist which they always are. The media plays a big role in peoples mind to classify this and in which they are taking away people’s rights away and not to forget United States is known for those freedoms. ||MI3807||
It is sad that we as a scoiety have to use the method of profiling to justified the end. There is always misleading information as well as mistake when ones ethnic group is trageted. In all gorups of people there are the good, the bad and the ugly but the whole group can not suffer the consiquences of the actions of others. This keeps the door open to hunting season of minorities. Elizabeth Segarra
Racial profiling shouldn't be looked at in this case. The suspect is a lot darker than any other american.. Anyways, He was trying to blow himself up in the plane.. We have to separate racial profiling and suspicious terrorist behavior. The police force in airport is there to protect everyone, it doesn't matter where you from, or what color is your skin. If more important to save life, than to look at the race of the people they are saving.. This has nothing to do with racial profiling, if it was they would have let the Nigerian blown his self up, but they couldn't do that. They saved his life with the rest of the passengers. JTG-7666
i don't think this has anything to do with racism. terrorism is getting worst and worst as we speak, we need to cut the b/s and actually do something about it, and none of this would happen if we are prepared. i don't care if your african american, spanish, american, etc. if you are trying to blow something up anywhere, then you deserve to be punished.
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