The recent Presidential party crashing, by two unknown subjects, proves to me that race has a lot to do with who is accepted and who is not. The news media reported that a white male and white female sashayed into the WHITE HOUSE without an invitation and clearance by the United States Secret Service (USSS). How could that have happened? Well, they were white and appeared like they belonged. They were given access to the President and many high profile politicians. They hobnobbed and took pictures. Would this have happened if the subjects were black or brown? HELL NO. I am appalled that the two of them were not arrested and charged with trespassing. This just goes to show you that if you do not appear to be a threat, the USSS will give you card blanche to the first African-American President. This would have been a historical event if they would have done harm to Mr. Obama. Some heads should role and people should either get fired or reassigned to protecting a garbage can in Bismarck, North Dakota. Only in America.
I strongly agree with you , if they were blacks or hispanics , they would have been heavily scrutinized . Hence , The Salahis would not even access the White House . According to Reports , "the couples who crashed the first state dinner are peddling their story to broadcast networks for hundreds of thousands of dollars." Therefore, i believed that they should be punished because of "malicious intent". Otherwise , the question of race in America will never take another dimension .
LJ 6631
I just have to say it, OMG! Clearly, race plays a HUGE part in politics, and this is just one big example of how it plays in America today. Two unknown, white individuals just prance in the WHITE HOUSE like it’s nobody’s business, Are you kidding me? In my opinion I think they should be punished for trespassing as well as fraud impersonation, I don't care what type of conviction it is as long as they get some time. I know for a fact if it would have been a Black or Hispanic, our mug shots would make first headline news in every radio station, T.V news, and even front-page newspapers. Now, the USS, they as well have to be punished, the whole operation for that matter should be punished! These people might have not done anything, but lets just say they were terrorists, in which the President could have been in danger? These men and woman are agents who come into the field having "ZERO defects", and showing their bravery, but how can such perfect men and woman over look these two individuals. While reading the article on CNN, the secret service agent’s state, “saying it hadn't been determined whether party-crashing is technically illegal. He went on to say he didn't believe the Salahis posed a security risk.” Last time I checked, trespassing WAS in fact illegal, especially trespassing the WHITE HOUSE, in where security is to the MAX or so we thought before this incident. Whoever let these individuals into the WHITE HOUSE need to be fired and they need to be prosecuted, how can we feel safe and trust government officials if the USS cannot even secure the damn WHITE HOUSE. –K.C.
that's for sure a black man or a black couple would nener get access to crash the Write House party at ny circonstance what so ever,they would be stop and arrested before they get in front of the W.H .no matter how, that couple would dress to impress or to look very pesentable for the party, they would never get any far,and would be without doubt charge of trespassing JS7920
I also agree with you and I think that the most disturbing part of the whole situation is that they were allowed so close to the president. I can't imagine tha happening with any other president. Or maybe if it did I would have heard about it in many different ways instead of solely finding out from this blog. I hope a lot of secret service and others in charge of the president's welfare are replaced because in this situation that would be the best way of insurinjg this didnt happen again. LC1736
You know I would not be surprises if they were actually Undercover assasins just praying that something happened to that man. It would definitely be a historical agent if the first black president was harmed or attempet to be harmed, but then when it's all said and done, then the questions will start rolling in. How did they get in, how come security didn't stop the intruders but what will it matter he'll already be in danger. I've never seen such careless behavior with any other president. And since it's a public affair how come secret services are so protective when we are present and all we do is embrace him. How come our youth can get a piece of Obamas glory because our youth are all minorities.
TB 9458
Darnell I strongly agree with you for several reasons. Now the question I ask is where was the Secret Service agents who was supposed to be protecting Obama? Now I wonder how that experience would have been had some African Americans crashed the presidents party. Would they been able to fratenize with party the same as the caucasian couple? I think not, I am shocked at the fact this event actually took place. But, only in America. I doubt this ever happens again.
It is not stunning to me, I don't know about you all.I understand the theory of security and protection guarantee by the U.S. Secret Service. Again, it is just a job. Thus, Obama should not forget that. "We protect ourselves".
I am resending because I forgot to put my name & cord at the bottom. It is not stunning to me, I don't know about you all. I understand the theory of security and protection guarantee by the U. S. secret Service. Again, "it is just a job". Thus, Obama should not forget that. "We protect ourselves".
A.A. 2467
This incident was unacceptable because secret service to me wasn't doing their job that could have gone wrong in so many ways those people should not have had the chance to just walk in with no invite. I don't remember anything like this happening to Bush or Clinton! Being that Obama is the first black president security should even be more on point and cautious of the people around him cause there's still alot of people that don't want in that spot and want to try and harm him. 3013 SBD
Race does play a major role in politics. I insinuate they should be charged for trespassing into the White House.
It's very simple to understand by saying that" a white man and a white woman entered in the WHITE HOUSE" This is their house. They have the right to do that and no one can complain about that, we are familiar with those kind of situations. Blacks are responsible to pay for their colors.This color comes from the environment.They contributed that as evil.Put a blackman and a black woman in the same position, could imgine the consequenceses? J.E 9722
This was unbelievable for me to heard this and reading in the news paper .At first I thought it had to be a joke , but you could only imagine if this was a black or hispanic person , I don't even think they would even given access to the doors , I am very disturbed by this and they should have been arrested for trespassing . This goes to display that color have everything to do with acceptance and what is with normal limits to society . They really got some nerve to have accomplished such mission .NG (5062)
It is obvious that race plays a big part in just about everything. The fact that these two were granted such close access to the president is crazy. Would it have been that easy for two people of color to get in to see him? Would have been that easy for two people of color to get in to see any president.NO! Couple of ways to look at it, a lack of protection for a Black President cause uhh who cares he shouldnt be there anyway.Yes he may be in office but umm it is the WHITE HOUSE, let us not forget.....
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