During several discussions in my classes, I observed the disdain on student's faces regarding their feelings about police officers. Not ever trying to change anyone's thoughts, I wanted to give a little reprieve to those who believe that nothing is being done. There are organizations that are doing a diligent job, but are they doing a disservice to the honest cops who take their jobs seriously and responsibly. Should a police officer have to look over their shoulder every time they make a split second decision on the street? Should the mainstream public afford the police officer the benefit of the doubt based on the stressful job they are required to do?
Oh, maybe this is why Copwatch is needed. Who knew...
I dont no if I'm bein to naive but don't we as the society give the officers the power to do wat they do.If there are more police officers who abuses their power more then the other, shouldn't the entrance test be harder or asked morale questions to determine if the applicant is more qualify for the job or even include a lie detecter test so we can try to eliminate some flaws as far as who gets to become a police officer.RP 4743
I believe that they merit the benefit of the doubt extensively because nobody is perfect.Besides,in the inner cities , without police officers not even a single upstanding citizen would be able to do their business eficiently because robbers are running rampant.Unfortunately,some of them make gaffes by using wrong tactics which usually translate into the destruction of our lives .However, if we citizens maintain our innocence,police officers will not be considered as our enemies.
On the other hand, we can not debate the fact that some of them lose their lives in humiliating fashions.the deadly attack in Oakland last week was a case in point,three police officers died in the line of duty.
In conclusion,they achieve more than they deserve ,let us help them in policing our community.
As long as there are good cops. there are bad cops. This is something that would never be changed, no matter what. And there are ways that could prevent it but they eventually become detrimental to good cops. C.okwuego 0424
I reamin steady on my position that if there was no disturbance there was looking over the shoulders. All these videos of copwatch is disturbing for the simple fact that the sole purpose is to discreted the police officers job to control crowds with the purpose to create a disturbance. The crowd is the one at fault.
The police is there to prevent that things do not go out of hand but the stupid crowd likes to instigate the situation and to make it worse, in addition to raise the tensions between police and the out of hand crowd.
A bunch of cry babies.
ES 1810
First, everyone will get respect once they display it with someone else. Officers should have a stronger mindset in controlling thier behaviors while on duty.I beleieve that harsh punishment such as termination should be applied for these Police officers who promote bad behavior for the "brotherhood" as a whole. These are individuals who swore thier right in become a officer to enforce their agency policies and laws. If no punishment is being provided for these officers, then more and more police officers would view their deviant behavior as a norm in enforcing the law.
Rawlins 4163
Their are many cops out there that abuse their power and i do think their should be watched and take responsibility for their actions but not when they have to make a split second decision .Remember the citizens are the ones that put the cops there to protect them .I will like to believe that cops do not try to intentionally hurt innocent citizens that they are paid to protect.KG2738
Police officers go thru an extensive training process to prepare them to handle split decisions on the street and should be held responsible for their actions. There’s an old saying “if you cant handle the heat stay out of the kitchen”. If a police officer wishes to enjoy both the salary and benefits of being a police officer he should be prepared to handle the stresses of his chosen career. dg7659
We need other people to make sure our law enforcement is doing their job. What does that say about our system? If the people who are supposed to be keeping the streets safe for us can't be trusted, then who can we trust and who can we rely on? Abusing the uniform is just shameful, and it's ruining faith in law enforcement because people need to watch cops now instead of cops watching out for the public.
SG 4591
the good will always be kill by the bad one (an accident)that will never change it will always be like that no matter what JS 7920
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