Here we go again. A couple of months ago, I wrote about two organizations, the United States Secret Service and the New Jersey State Police, that had lawsuits filed against them by their black employees. In large scale organization there will always be individuals who feel as though they are not being treated fairly. Yet, how do we account for these many lawsuits? The Connecticut State Police have filed a lawsuit as well claiming similar discriminatory patterns. Why does this effect law enforcement so prominently? It is no secret that the law enforcement profession is a predominantly white male profession, but there must be some fair minded individuals in charge that can see what is going on. Is this just a case of the "disgruntled" employee seeking to get theirs? Can the citizens of America afford to continually pay to settle these lawsuits? The courts will be inundated with briefs, transcripts and appeals. Lawyers will be billing for untold number of hours at our expense. Some of the litigants will experience an inordinate amount of stress and may need to take sick leave to recuperate. Having them away from their duties will ultimately cost us again in terms of filling their positions with officers who are paid overtime. It will be a lose, lose situation for all of us. How do fix this problem or can it be fixed? Has race been so entrenched into our psyche that it will always be that eight hundred pound gorilla in the room?
"Let not your words go unspoken lest they will never be heard." Dr. BLR
Eventually taxpayers will notice the unnecessary taxes that are used to pay these lawsuits, sick leave and overtime and rebel like the insurance companies did with the Catholic churches.
Racism is like the ancient hieroglyphic that is hard to decipher. No matter how hard we try to understand it we are still face with failure. As minorities continue to progress into the once "white-professions", bigots are going to keep them suppressed. If I knew exactly what to do I'll be a civil rights leader. Right? However, all I can ensure society is that only time would change. C.O. 0424
"How do fix this problem or can it be fixed"?
I am more discredited by the Department of Defense and Department of Justice for not having an EEO Unit to view these cases. Why wasn't an EEO representative contacted?
Racism has reached people of different backgrounds. There is not a well varied of people from different cultures in the police force. I ask, why?
In a country like America, with so many people from different cultures and backgrounds, to have only one predominant gender and race control in a profession is
I think that an active office of EEO should be required in all levels of law enforcement.
(ES 1810)
hey BLR where fo i put my initials and my last 4 digits of my #?.. LOST!
Racism has been in this society from the beginning when the English thought they were better than the Native Americans. It's a mentality that whites should have bigger and better things, and it's been around so long that it might be too late to fix. Even though our tax dollars are going to this, I think it's a cause worth fighting for.
SG 4591
There should be lawsuits as long as they refuse minorities promotion , but i thinh that Congress should pass a law to have racists hold liable for their actions as opposed to the institution ,financially and so on.
LJ 6631
I truly believe a black man has to work twice as hard than a white to succeed in law enforcement as well as other significant careers. They will always have to prove themselves worthy and the only diffence the two men is the color of their skin. Obama said change...DG7659
However, we have to be rational on the issues of race. There is no such thing as absolute balance in terms of fair treatments. Even in the Genesis, God favored Abel dispite they are both his children. Since it involves money, I would suggest alternative means, such as hiring by merits as oppose to race. A. A. 2467
Race is always the matter,we need to stand up, no one comes to fight against that. Martin Luther king will not come back.J.E9722
Can this problem be fix ? The more we try to do the right thing , the more they try to fail us again and again ....Yes this is factual especially in this profession they try to replace a lot of the color officers with so called predominantly white male , who on the other hand are more corrupted and promoted for their willingness to cooperate with the wrong doing of the higher authority and their subordinates .I am in dismay of what occurs behind close doors and I really hope in the future to come we achieve a resolving solution to this lunacy and pandemonium .NG (5062)
Racism it's about scare or worry about something or somebody white are on the politic power but not for ever N.T 3580
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