With the political fiasco going on between Obama, Hillary and McCain, the world seems to forget that there is a war going on and our young soldiers are dying on a daily basis. So why do I name this blog "a crime against our soldiers"? The men and women of the Armed Forces are paid a pittance for risking their lives to protect our country. The average salary for a soldier is about $1500.00 to $2000.00 a month. What is not being talked about are the private mercenaries that are paid an astronomical salary to do what our soldiers are doing for our country. These private companies are relying on the expertise of prior military and law enforcement personnel to protect them in the war torn countries, so that they can feel safe. Ironically, these are American companies that rely on contracts funded by the American government. Is this unethical or a crime? Why not pay the soldiers more money to do the same job. Shouldn't we treat our soldiers better?
This is not a reflection of what the author feels about the war. It is a call to those that will listen that our soldiers should come first.
" Chasing the proverbial carrot can predict your station in life; choose wisely." Dr. BLR
Yes, it is unethical to to higher these private mercenaries to do the duty of our soldiers for more pay. Especially since they are under contract with private companies so they are not held to the same ethical standards as our soldiers and can get away with things our soldiers could not. This makes our whole country look bad overseas. Also, because we have a small volunteer military most people easily forget about our soldiers overseas. SPC3027
This is wrong. We have our soldiers on the battle field and don't give them enough while these private mercenaries get a lot more to do the same job. We should give our soldiers more money and treat them better. Come on they are fighting for our country. 4035
I think that it should b considered a crime because its almost like sending our soliders on a suicide mission. It is unethical becaause its like a dr telling you have a disease that doesn't exist and operating on you just 2 get paid more money. America is so backwards, we pay these athletes and entertainers millions 2 sing a song or catch a ball but we have people that put their live on the line so that we can live the productive"american dream". Its really sad that soliders that get taken away from their families for days,months,years and the they only make up to 2000 a month. Their families should b compensated for their distress and the soliders should b compensated just 4 the simple fact they are doing the jjob thatt nobody else wants to do, FIGHT FOR FREEDOM. CA
Its amazing how this stuff can happen. It makes you wonder why cant the regular soldiers or even special forces soldiers do these protection details. My opinion is that you have politics involved and there is alot of money out there to be made for certain friends of the politicians. Yes our soldiers deserve better and so do their families.
Agreeing to put your life on the line to protect so many people you don't know speaks volumes in and of itself. Though it would seem impossible to put a price tag on something so tremendous the least this country could do for our guardians is to let the pay be more reflective to that of agreeing to risk one's life.
Military personnel may be paid what some would consider a pittance because what they are risking is most likely not the determining factor. There is little doubt that this country has the perfect target in mind when recruiting for the armed services. Many enlist as a means of relief from dire circumstances. And then of course you have the fresh out of high school naive and clueless who just need a job and may be driven by the incentives recruiters promote in such high volume. And then there are the easily manipulated, overly patriotic, weak minded individuals that this country counts on to care about nothing except being against anyone that is not for this country. The only thing that these people may care about during their tour is having the basic essentials of living, the benefits of being a veteran, or serving their country.
On the other hand whatever lead them to the decision to join the service it was theirs to make.
Now I may be missing a point but if private companies choose to pay these mercenaries top dollar I really don’t see where the problem lies. Obviously they deem them worth it. And isn’t it a smart move to rely on the expertise of people who can best supply it?
I would definitely be agreeable with an increase in pay for our military personnel and not so critical of private companies.
Honestly I feel like that the soldiers are very valiable people because they are protecting and are aour heros in our lifes. They should get all the attention and first responses to them whenever they need and to pay them more and give them all there benefits after they comeback from war so they cannnot worry about anything. 5794
the soldiers are theones that need a strong mouth for them, the government only see what fit them. all this stuff that is going on in this world belongs to them. yes they are forgtting the importance of what is ral but, what do they care.(7593)
I believe that that money should be given to the soldiers. They are protecting our country and putting their lives on the line everyday. We should at least reward them with good pay.
ecc 3950
I agree with the person 3950.
I believe our soldiers should be treated alot better. To the government, their lives hold no value because "its a risk they signed up to take." These men and women are protecting our lives every day. Our lives are our most precious comodity and yet the ones who protect us are devalued by the government that sent them to war *2232
Thats why i wouldnt never fight in a war for this country. those soldiers put thier life on the lines day in and day out only to be getting unfair treatment by its own government wow what a country to fight for. 4539
We should treat our soldiers better and pay them better. Unfortunately this will never happen because in reality our soldiers are viewed as expendable. The legislators of this country has and the opportunity to change things but people are divided because of political parties so there is no new uniform provision to help out our soldiers. SPC 5936
I believe that there are politics involved and there is alot of money out there to be made for certain friends of the politicians and all of them are getting paid big time. SPC 6169
Prof it's really sad that soliders that get taken away from their families for days,months,years and the they only make up to 2000 a month. Their families should b compensated for their distress and the soliders should be compensated. SPC 6169
Most of the people that joins the Armed Forces, like I did, are patriotic people that loves this country and for what it stands for. Some join for education benefits, job or incentives that recruits promise them. The pay sucks. Check this site below to verify the pay scale.
There American companies overseas that pay good money for their employees. When I was stationed in Iraq, a private company was in charge to control the movement of trucks in and out of base. The motor control movement officer as receiving for the first year contract an amount of US$85,000.00 dollars tax free.
This is the lowest position available with the least school diploma, a High School and prior military service.
Not bad, hum? This was three years ago.
When the soldiers return back home from this war or conflict, they will have a surprise. The reason is: there is no plan on how to acomodate them upon returning. It is Vietnam repeating itself. USA is not ready to receive their soldiers. Soldier upon returning home are already suffering because they lost their previous jobs.
What are going to do?
ES 1810
I personally hated the idea of our soldiers going across seas because I had too many friends and family some that unfortunately are still there. Every single day i must worry about their well-being. They deserve the upmost pay. Have these private companies working for their wages lets see how they like it. Why do we help other countries more than ourselves? I never understood that!! This government is so backwards its sad....
s.s. 8161
We forget so easily about the soldiers that are not with us but in other countries. It's not right to say yes we honor your service but we won't pay you as much as private mercenaries who don't have to act at such a high standard. Where have peoples values gone?
SG 4591
Definitely, they are underpaid ,while others are capitalizing ,but i hope Obama puts a stop to this .
LJ 6631
Darnell I really don't condone with the whole war thing. Even if the American soldiers win the war in Iraq, we are losing the ongoing war on crime in America. That really defeats the purpose and I am yet to know why it is we fighing this war. As far as the underpaid soldiers, that's insulting to put your life on the line for such low pay.
I have serf this country for a 8 years and i have seen mercenaries over seas and how well they get pay. black water a company of private mercenaires pay very well. to the same job we do. but america does not see this they only see what the media whants to show some might even think that is a waste of pay for us. but remenber it takes hart and coureage to volunteer to give our lives for the safety of society. we just fallow orders. even if we don't agree with some things. after all would you give your live for 1500 a month or reader get up every morning and see your family and go to work and after that came home and see your family againg with no reask at for 13 dollars and hour. that is close to 2,080 a month. so yes i think we deserve to get pay more at least be more respected by society.
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