Friday, February 4, 2011

Suspended NJ State Police detective sergeant indicted

Published: Friday, February 04, 2011, 3:40 PM Updated: Friday, February 04, 2011, 3:51 PM

By Tom Quigley | The Express-Times

A New Jersey State Police detective sergeant from Blairstown Township was indicted today.
A Blairstown Township man who is suspended from his job as a New Jersey State Police detective sergeant was indicted today by a state grand jury, the Attorney General's Office reports.

James A. DeLorenzo, 54, a 28-year veteran with the state police, faces an eight-count indictment linked to allegations that include working as an insurance company detective during his working hours with the state police.

He is charged with four counts of second-degree official misconduct and one count each of second-degree pattern of official misconduct, second-degree computer theft, third-degree theft by deception and third-degree tampering with public records or information.

The indictment includes allegations that DeLorenzo performed work for the private insurance company such as witness interviews, telephone calls and document pickups, during his state police shift.

DeLorenzo in August filed a lawsuit against state police alleging he was suspended in retaliation for blowing the whistle on wasteful practices.
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Lopez said...

I agrre that if police offers to commit a crime they should be punished, but them the detective saiys he was suspended because he spoke regarding wasteful practices I think that also shoulb be investigated....

CAK said...

If he did commit this crime he should be punished accordingly, but there may be some truth in his allegation of retaliation for whistleblowing, that should be looked into as well.

Serrano said...

just because he is a police officer he is only receiving suspension, and a lawsuit filed against him. I think he should be giving some prison time for his crime. like the old saying goes "if you can't do the time, don't do the crime." that also justifies police officials also.

Unknown said...

yea very interested

Tucker0669 said...

Not fair enough, it doesnt matter if he is a police or not. He should be punished just like everyone else.

Anonymous said...

This double dipping need to stop


Anonymous said...

fellow officers probably knew what he was doing, but didn't say anything until he whistleblew. what a dummy.
S.d. CJI-102. 4954

Anonymous said...

fellow officers knew about his dirty work, but said nothing until he opened his mouth. what a dummy.
S.d. Cji-102. 4954

Anonymous said...

It is sad to say that officers like this make the system look bad. this officer in particular deserves some time in prison. He used his policing skills against the system and helped out a different company while on the job.

Anonymous said...

This is just disgusting, talk about double dipping. This guy should go to jail and give back all the money to the state police he "earned". What a waste of the taxpayers money. Making 6 figures for the state police is not enough you have to work somewhere else and risk having everything fall down on you. I am happy this man got in trouble. On top of most likely of his fellow workers knew what he was doing and did not say anything. This is just a disgrace, what a great detective.

NS- 3498

Anonymous said...

Sadly, this is probably not the first officer who has been caught doing this. Police think that they won't get caught but eventually they do. The fact that this person was using information from one job for his other job is disturbing. He should be punished for his actions. Not only is he hurting his image but also the image for all others in police force. JS-1684

Unknown said...

Officers like this makes the system look bad like they don't know what their doing. Anything illegal police or citizen that is being done and is not caught right when they do it, they think they will never get caught and thats why they keep doing it. But once they get caught they have every excuse on why they did it. wrong is wrong and as a police officer you of all people should know that, because he is a police officer his punishment isn't that bad. If a citizen was to do that i bet it would be so much worse.