Saturday, November 6, 2010

Union City males are facing charges in machete attack

Eight Union City males are facing charges in machete attack after twice being denied entrance to private party early Sunday morning.

Seven men and one minor, all from Union City, have been charged in a machete attack early Sunday morning in Union City, and charges against another person accused in the incident were dropped.

Rick Cedeno, 18, and Robert Gonzalez, 19, both of Palisade Avenue; Hermas Flores, 20, of Bergenline Avenue, Yordanys Perez, 19, of Seventh Street, Michael Espinosa, 18, of 12th Street, and a 17-year-old juvenile were arrested this week in connection with the attack.

Police have also charged Michael Carrasco, 18, of 18th Street, and Carlos Javier Rios, 19, of 16th Street, but they have not been arrested.

Juan J. De Los Santos-Ramirez, 21, of 26th Street, was arrested just hours after the 3 a.m. incident outside of a party in Union City, but police dropped the charges a day later when one of the victims said he had been wrong in identifying De Los Santos-Ramirez as one of his attackers.

Cedeno, Gonzalez, Flores, Perez, Espinosa, Carrasco, Rios and the juvenile have been charged with conspiracy to commit aggravated assault, rioting, endangering a victim, and three counts of aggravated assault, cops said, adding that Perez, Espinosa, Carrasco and Rios face additional weapons charges.

Rios was carrying a bat, while three others in the group had machetes, police said. The group had been denied entry into a party thrown by three brothers, including the two victims who suffered cuts, reports said.

After being refused entry a second time 30 minutes later, a fight began in the street between the group and the three brothers, reports said. The 17-year-old victim was cut on his left forearm and his brother, 28, received superficial cuts on his hand, shoulder and face, reports said.

Both victims were treated at the Jersey City Medical Center. At that time De Los Santos-Ramirez was being treated for injuries sustained in an unrelated incident. One of he victims identified him as an attacker, but on Monday, police say, the victim withdrew his accusation after seeing photographs of the potential attackers.


Anonymous said...

JN 8831
This is unfortunate that these boys made such negative decisions with such a beautiful and prominent future ahead of them.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame to see these types of incidents happen. They get denied to a party so they bring weapons to solve there problem. This goes to show the maturity level of these attackers. They are all young, they shouldn't be carrying machetes and bats around. Atleast the victims are being treated in hospitals and the attackers are behind bars for now.

Anonymous said...

This is just absolutely outrageous. People are really getting carried away and acting without reason. There is no reason violent actions should be taken place when denied entry into anywhere.It is very immature and shows that these people obviously have some sort of mental issue. I believed that it could possibly be displaced aggression. These males should be punished for their actions and deserve everything that they get.

Anonymous said...

It is unfortunate that teeneagers do not know how to communicate in situation like this,and that they do not know how to turn away from this types of cofrontations.

Anonymous said...

This is unfortunate. Teenagers cant handle rejection. they knew that werent invited but still went.they should of walked away but they wanted to cause trouble and they should be punished for their actions.people learn from their mistakes this should be a lesson learned.T.C.3006.

Anonymous said...

This is a another incident similar to that seton hall student who got killed because kids was rejected into a party. There's something not right with these teenagers who automatically solve problems with violence. Everybody going to be rejected some point in life, so the parents need to teach them its apart of life and learn how to deal better with rejection. SJC 1687

Anonymous said...

People really need to grow up and learn that everything is not evolved around them. So what you did not get into the party go to another party and do something else. That is not the option of going back to someones home and trying to start riots. All of this could have been avoided if one had of took the time to think. what was the need for weapons. I bet that this is not their first time being arrested and i hope that they learn their lessons if not its like the old saying a hard head makes a soft behind.

Gera said...

Its really sad that these young boys just received a record that's going to follow them for the rest of their live. Just for not being let into a party. They will regret their actions later on in life because right now they're probably feel tough and mighty now. They just better be lucky no one was killed. They should definitely punished to set example. Where's the Parents! Helloooooo!

Anonymous said...

I am so scared for my child's future..


Anonymous said...

JN 8831
This article is very sad and unfortunate that all these young men are so young and are fighting over foolish ideals. With such a beautiful future ahead of them it is very inopportune, making such a poor decision in fighting.

Evette 0081 said...

Its is sad a that group of young man have just put a damper on their future.

Anonymous said...

I don't get! They weren't invited to a party so they all upset because they can't attend. LMAO! How juvenile is that? I mean 2010 is definitely different from 20 ago. We sure didn't use weapons like this. We fought fair and after it was all said and done. It was all over. It is really sad that young people just don't get it.Grow up why don't you!...RSI-3774

Anonymous said...

Once again we have a situation that just because a young person acts out we shunn the whole "young" generation. plese no body take offence im just trying to play the devils advocate. Because a good portion of young people act out we assume that every young person is like that and forget about the ones who are concearned about their future. LMD 7029

Anonymous said...

Really?over a party?there has to be a mental problems...where are the parents?lb9816

Anonymous said...

some times young people act like really stupit and they dont care about value of life. GY0229

Anonymous said...

Unfortunate? Growing pains? Young men? Parents? Colors! Why not label them gang rivals. Why press charges while you can catch up with them in the streets. Payback is a…

Anonymous said...

Some people aren't humans, but savages. It's obviously gang related, and just by where they are from, it's a Dominican gang, but I forgot the name. This gang is known to swing machetes and I believe they wear green. They give Latinos a bad name, and live up to stereotypes. AR 7433

Anonymous said...

I dont understand what is going on with our young generation today. If you are not invited to a party where you dont know the person then move on to your next destination but to assult the person tells me that u dont have a heart. thomas

serrano said...

i cant believe that our young generation are willing to throw their lives away for committing such crimes that can land them behind bars for such a long time. i just hope that these young men can learn from this.

Anonymous said...

machete huh? dominicans maybe? all i know is that these kids are all from 32st towards jersey city heights. not the best area of union city. i've seen things happen there with guns and knives over things like ipods, but machetes? cant say i've ever heard of that there. well they will be let in a party next time, but for this they got let in a palisades avenue cell.
s.d. 4954