Tuesday, September 14, 2010

NJ State Police boss gets speeding ticket -- from himself - Newark Crime | Examiner.com

NJ State Police boss gets speeding ticket -- from himself - Newark Crime | Examiner.com

What was his motivation for turning himself in for speeding?


Lisa M. said...

Being accountable for one's actions is a trait that all should encourage and promote. This is a fine story and example of a respected man that could have gotten away without a speeding ticket and no one would have blinked an eye... but instead he accounted for his actions and set the bar. Who knows if in the end it went over well with his fellow officers.

Anonymous said...

I believe he did the right thing in turning himself in for speeding because he could have gotten away with it. More cops out there should be like him.

Anonymous said...

I think that he did the right thing by giving himself a ticket too. He shows go accomplishment that he is not above the law and that actions should be handle for his crime.

Anonymous said...

Now if we can only get other officers to respect the law as well. He did the right thing. His fellow co-workers can learn something from him. There is always room for change.. RSI-3774

Anonymous said...

he set a good example for his officers...good job...AS9457

Anonymous said...

.I am shocked to hear this but am happy that someone is accepting responsibility and setting an example. Let's wait to hear how many stories we will hear like this or better. Hmmmmm... SB-8642

Anonymous said...

He did the right thing by giving himself a ticket. He realizes that he is just like everyone else (citizens) and needs to respect the Law as well.
- EM3583

Anonymous said...

Why would he give himself up for a ticket. maybe he is covering something. of wich he does not want any one to find out. so of course he is going to turn himself in so that there would not be a strong investigation. think about it people something is wrong in this pic.

Anonymous said...

The boss of the state troppers set a good example by giving himself a ticket. Remember no one is above the law he broke the law by speeding he deserve that ticket. T.C. 3006

Gera said...

At least he's being Honest. How many Cops u think have done that or will do that. Maybe he just wanted to be an example of a honest officer.

Anonymous said...

Ok.He gave himsself a ticket. Trying to set an example? What was his true motivation? Mixed feelings about this article

Anonymous said...

diddo, i think his motivation came from somewhere else. A speeding ticket...seriously? Im not insulting his integrity but if he was going to give himself a ticket why didnt he just prevent it when he saw he was doing above speed limit on the dashboard? i wonder if hell inforce the J walking law on himself too? LMD 7029

Anonymous said...

law abiding citizen!lb9816

SC said...

This is a waste of article space- to me he was looking for publicity- shouldnt the officer who clocked him have given him a summons?? Of course not that he would but then why make that officer look bad by publicizing him giving differential treatment?

Anonymous said...

Wow this is a funny one. I couldn't imagine any police officer give him or herself a speeding ticket. Maybe he is trying to make a statement; police officers need to take a good look at themselves in order to set the example.

AR 758197433

Anonymous said...

Bad media would make it worse