Wednesday, March 3, 2010

New York State Police Superintendent Harry Corbitt Retires Amid Scandal - AOL News

Please do not think this is only germane to New York. In the end, this person has to look at himself in the mirror.

New York State Police Superintendent Harry Corbitt Retires Amid Scandal - AOL News


Anonymous said...

Governor Paterson should not resign or should be under so much media scrutiny for a claim that has not been proven. Secondly, I don't agree with the prompt resignation of Trooper Corbitt. Especially if the girlfriend dropped all alledged charges. there is no rationale behind how they are being treated. I believed no one influence her decision to dropped the charges and Trooper Corbit should stand his ground and resumed his position with the State Police. SJS-5514

Anonymous said...

You know I agree with the person above me;Mr Corbitt shouldn't have resigned and neither should the govenor. I am still trying to figure out why the media is making a big deal about this! As far as anyone knows the govenor is innocent. And since when do two heads of an agency resign over what their employees did? Look at whats going on over at the NJ State Police, I don't see any of the top brass resigning. Not even after the racial profiling, the discrimination, the sexual assualts committed by their troopers. And what about the NYC police department? They kill unarmed civilians, sodomize suspects, drive under the influence, leave the scene of accidents, etc......I could go on and on, but the point is I've never seen Ray Kelly(the commissioner) resign. See there is obviously more to the story than is being reported.

Anonymous said...

If the Police Commissioner and/or the governor are innocent of these allegations they will both await the investigation results. To leave their posts at this time will always send a message of possible guilt. With strong family and employment support they can withstand the accusations a little longer. Just my opinion. CC5223

Anonymous said...

Resign? Why should he? Sleaze is a necessary requirement for holding public office in this country. If the voters don't like it, they can just vote him out and they shouldn't have voted for him in the first place. Most of the "holier than thou" voters have never run for public office.

If he did, it would open the door for other politicians to have to admit their corruption. Since EVERY DAMN POLITICIAN is obviously corrupt, (as evidenced by corrupt politicians being replaced by corrupt politicians) we would then have to start drawing elected officials from the (Oh my God) common population, instead of the "Chosen Ones" as is now done. Why can't they just do what they were elected to do, & stop pretending they are above the law, and other citizens?

If it is believed that he is a Suspect in Tampering with a Witness, then he should be hauled off to the station and questioned. Then Arrested, accused and charged then receive a Trial. And if they want to take it to the Grand Jury before a trial, so be it.Just do it.

And stop handling this as if it was political. This is not political, but a serious crime of Witness Tampering.....VAF2053

Anonymous said...

I have seen worst scandals. This is a minor problem which can be dealt with without anyone retiring. If the governor had really been the main reason for the woman to be keeping her mouth shut, he ought to be dealt with. However, i seen no reason for retirement. Neither do i see a relevance for Corbitt to retire, based on the given information. Corbitt seems to have wanted an end to his job way before and used this as a perfect opportunity to escape. People in authority often times misuse their powers and civilians need to work towards putting a stop to this. Another major issue is the practice of these individuals within the Justice/government system to go out to the furthest extent of protecting each other from the humiliation they have brought upon themselves. Yet, they expect others to take responsibility for their actions. Practice what you Preach!

Anonymous said...

Jn 8831
Professor I agree with you.

Anonymous said...

I dont understand how these governors be getting into these scandals in the first place! Stay out of the situation and these things wont happen to you. SJC 1687