Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hunterdon County correctional officer sues state citing hostile environment - Topix

This is a former student. As I have told many of my female students, the law enforcement profession is difficult to enter and even more difficult to remain employed. Make sure you weigh all the information before getting involved.

Hunterdon County correctional officer sues state citing hostile environment - Topix


Anonymous said...

There has to be some type of accountability amongst superiors.The alledged complaint we see over and over again and these supervisors get a slap on the wrist and taxpayers get stuck with a healthy bill.If true, The state need to implement new policies and procedures in reference to how they deal with the upper echelon and start the process of terminating all parties involved. SJS-5514

Anonymous said...

with the comment above...i do no agree that implementing new policies will do any good to the workers due to like always its a with us or against us mentality that people have... by forming groups the they create a majority which people kind of get intimidated by..due to what so ever...loosing their job, being fired, or etc..

Anonymous said...

NJDOC, ought to have an internal investigation, to get rid of the BUMS who need sex so BAD!!! Sgt's and Lt's have been getting awway with this bull crap for the longest time. ah1123

Anonymous said...

D.J. 8791
This is something you always tell us about in class. Sexual harrassment is prevalent in the force, especially towards females. I think it's about time they have more rigid laws/ policies protecting these females from such harrassment and further retaliation. The same goes for males.

Anonymous said...

JN 8831
It is difficult for women to be in the law enforcement career. I am happy that they're implicating new laws to protect individuals for this harassment.

SH3249 said...

law enforcement is a very challenging career, but if a challenge is whats desired, go for it,but go in with full knowlegde and prepare for unexpected situations

Gera5393 said...

On a daily basis women are being harassed at their workplace. Not just in law enforcement. I'm just happy she stood up for herself and spoke about it. Women need to know there worth and stand up to these men.

Anonymous said...

This is crazy!, i cant believe that these supervisors would overlook something serious like sexual harassment. Everyone one should feel comfortable at their job. SJC 1687