Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Jordan Brown, 12, Faces Grown-Up Murder Charges - AOL News

Jordan Brown, 12, Faces Grown-Up Murder Charges - AOL News


Anonymous said...

D.J. 8791 ---> Firstly, Who gives an eleven (11) year old a gun to keep in his possession? regardless of whatever hobby he was given it for. The dad should have ensure that young Jordan returned the gun after their huntings.

Personally, i think this was done all out of jealousy. Typical child gets jeaolous when there's another kid in the picture. As innocent as he was... he was brave enough to shot someone and kill them. There is no question about this kid having mental issues but at his age, counseling and whatever else he gets from therapy wont be relative to him. This child has no real exposure to the outside being a teen or teenage. He is probably still thinking that everyone is innocent and not even recognizing the severity of killing someone.

If this child was brave enough to kill someone, especially out of jealousy, at his age - he ought to be detained for as long as it takes him to realize that such is life and things don't always go his way or the way he would prefer.Taking in consideration the fact that he pleaded not guilty, instead of guilty ( which he was probably brainwashed by his lawyer), i would say it going to take quite some time for him to be rehabilitated as he isn't even confessing to his wrongs as yet. I think he ought to be tried as an adult, he displayed "adult like" behavior, he gets "adult like" treatment in return. Lets see how quickly he grows though all this.

Anonymous said...

I don’t care if he is a child. He killed someone in cold blood. He committed a heinous act and he shouldn’t get away with it just because he is 11 years old. What kind of message is this sending to other kids that have access to guns as he does? It’s ok to kill some one and because of your age you can get a slap on the wrist for it. I do know that if he is man enough to pick the gun up shoot her laid the gun back down after he was done and then got ready and went to school shows he acted as an adult which indicates premeditation.
Yes, blame the gun. Some may say he has psychological problems, but whatever that’s no excuse. If it wasn't a gun perhaps he would have used another tool like a kitchen knife, a baseball bat, or a hammer for that matter. But is anyone else wondering why the boy is the only one locked up and not the father? His father should have known better than to be giving him access to loaded guns, it’s plain stupidity and carelessness and this is the $h!} that happens when you do this kind of mess right here. If you can teach your child to not to drink bleach from under the sink you should also be able to teach you child not to misuse a gun which they shouldn’t have access to it in the first place......VAF2053

Anonymous said...

well the fact that this 11 year old had a gun for hunting purposes is alright, but then again if there was any type of discipline in the household the dad would have hidden the gun from the child during non hunting days. also i agree wit VAF2053 that why the hell was the gun loaded thats just asking for a horrible act to occur. i would also look into the mothers past if she has ever mentally or physically hurt the boy. still even if she did i understand she should not have been killed the boy should serve life in prison due to the fact when ur young you damn well know killing somebody is wrong. JF0932

Anonymous said...

From my understanding this child did not kill any one. One of his friends did and since he was the youngest of the group they figured they blame it on him cause he would get less time than they would. Any how since he allows himself to take the blame for someone else wrong doing than he deserve to get what ever they give to him.

Anonymous said...

In our society, when we hear of violent crimes especially those resulting in the loss of life, it is disturbing, to say the least. When such crimes are committed by our youth it is not only disturbing but also an indication of the most alarming flaws of our society. Very often, while not always, these crimes are committed by children who come from, what appears to be, balanced and loving and/or average homes; and so these crimes raise questions about how and why a child could commit such an egregious act. Furthermore, violent crimes committed by youth offenders have created many debates about how these offenders should be treated and punished by our judicial system. SJS-5514

ag8628 said...

My first question is “Has this child been psychologically evaluated?” and if so to what extent? Another question that comes to mind is, what will be the benefit of locking this boy away for the rest of his life? Is there anything else that can be done to make sure he realizes that what he allegedly did is wrong?

The article says that there was tension between the boy and his soon to be step-mother. Isn’t that normal? Yes it is, especially when you are an only child for so long. That jealousy may have been just as strong if the boy’s father and biological mother were having another child after 10 years. Jealousy as a motive is a weak argument. Prosecutors claim to have found gun shot residue on the boy’s shirt as strong evidence. Considering the boy’s weekend ritual, that evidence is extremely weak.

The article says he displayed no violent behavior. However he went hunting with his father on a regular basis. Is that not violent? Hunting is no longer necessary for survival. Although I am not familiar with exactly how mature the pre-teenage mind is in terms of knowing how dangerous a gun is, I am willing to bet that if he did shoot this woman he probably thought it wasn’t much different than the hunting he does. What was his father thinking having him handle a gun at such a young age? Did he ever explain to him that he was not to use the gun inside the house or point it at anyone?

The only witnesses in the case are a four and seven year old. How do we know that their statements were not coerced by family members. Also, I again bring up the question of how capable a child is of understanding exactly what happened.

The family of the victim wants to see this child locked up for the rest of his life. How heartless can they be? I understand they are hurting but again I ask what will be solved if this child never gets to walk to the streets again. It will not bring the victim back.

Side Bar: I am not impressed with the work this journalist has done. The story does not flow and I found certain information to be irrelevant.

Anonymous said...

what triggered this 12 year old to shoot his dad's fiance in the head? i don't remember being 12 and wanting to shoot someone in the head? i understand they live in PA and they go hunting but the father could have locked up his shotgun...mp9504

Anonymous said...

Child killers are getting younger and younger. If you do the crime, one ought to time. ah1123

SH3249 said...

If a child kills somebody,a sentence which includes psychological treatment should be imposed

Anonymous said...

A child so young committing such a horrible act. The jealousy seems obvious. He seem to have a problem with sharing. I agree that the gun should have been taking after hunting and locked. This all could have been prevented but instead two lives were taking. How do you find justice in all of this. By setting a clear example that there is no tolerance for breaking the law. Sad isn't it? RSI-3774

Anonymous said...

I feel he should be tried as an adult. He took the life of a women and her unborn child. And then hid the evidence. He knew what he was doing. SK

Anonymous said...

Wow! I am shocked at this article. 11 years old! He has no clue as to what is ahead of him with these accusations.


Anonymous said...

this is sad, this boy should be trialed as an adult. Especially life without parole. He will never get a second chance again. SJC 1687

Tucker0669 said...

This is terrible, first of all he is way too young to have a Gun...he should be tried as an adult, and im sure he will never get a second chance to take someone else life.