Sunday, February 28, 2010

Former Edison Police Director Brian Collier dies in apparent suicide | -

He is a former colleague that I worked with several years ago. Again, for those interested in the law enforcement profession, mental health is also an aspect of the job that you must deal with during your career.

Former Edison Police Director Brian Collier dies in apparent suicide -


Anonymous said...

D.J. 8791
This is very unfortunate... seems as though in this force 'Bad Things' happen to the good people.

It's a natural tendency for people to react violently towards themselves when losing someone they love dearly. I think his family and friends should have tried a little harder with assisting him through such a devastating period. RIP.

Anonymous said...

This is a very sad incident that happened. Although any one that is looking forward to a career in Policing will have to deal with situations like this all the time. This is something that no one should ever have to get use to, but everyone needs to expect the unexpected.

Anonymous said...

I think its a very sad situation to have any person take their own life. His friends and family probably thought he was ok, but deep down inside he was feeling alot of sadness. It just goes to show that we never really know how a person is feeling even if they are smiling on the outside.

Anonymous said...

life has its good days and obviously tragic days and to lose a child of yours effects the mind greatly and if the mind isnt willing to deal with the realitys when something horrible happens most people dwelle on it and it effects them for great periods of time an unfortionally even society today will continue to commit these hanis crimes. in this officers case it was to much for his mind body and soul. so with that R.I.P. to this loving father. its sad the way he left but sometimes people want the conciense to stop so suicide may have been his way of stopping the hurt and pain he had to suffer. sorry it had to happen like that but what can you do? JF9420

Anonymous said...

Good or bad,police officers have get help.It's a hard job on body and soul.madmax

Anonymous said...

This is always sad when someone take their own life. There are people out the that don't know how to deal with certain thing and this case I guess whatever was going on he wasn't able to deal with it and we never know what it is that's the sad part of it. His family will never know the reason he took his life. My condolensces to his family.......VAF2053

Anonymous said...

very saddening... i do not think i could imagine what he was going through and what was going through his head when he saw his 20 year old daughter dead..and being a police officer not knowing who did it.... besides the point loosing his young daughter probably killed him emotionally just by it self...and when someone looses a child i do not think anything in the world can help you cope with that..

crissy said...

As myself being a police officer understand that this is real, so far i am fortunate that i have not had any personal issues that spiraled out of control, to the point where it crossed into my work life, and i just feel there no class out there that really can teach how to deal with a situation once your there and the thoughts start to actually become reality, its sad and i pray, that GOD can keep me rounded in this life.

SH-3249 said...

Losing someone very close to you can be very,very traumatic...and having to deal w/the public on a day to day basis in different situations,all w/the experienced trauma in the back of a persons' mind can take a toll on the mind,body and soul...mental health awareness should be recognized world wide just as any other health epidemic/issue is.

Anonymous said...

There's only so much a person can take. this is the reality of law enforcement besides being under paid...mp9504

Anonymous said...

I agree. When people get to a point when they feel there is no return, they start to get crazy thoughts and sometimes it results in this.

SB # 8642

Anonymous said...

This is a very sad story.Knowing the things that we deal with on a daily basis without being in this career field is enough to drive you crazy. I cant even begin to imagine.They say there is nothing like the loss of a child.Who knows what he was going through...

Anonymous said...

This is very unfortunate. Reading all these stories, i would never be a cop if this was the last job on earth. I wouldnt be emotionally ready. Its alot of responsibility.
SJC 1687

Anonymous said...

I look at this a bit differently. Yes he had the worst loss imaginable and his heart was broken. So has mine been. He took the cowardly way out. He left 3 other children and a wife! Now those children most deal with his loss too not only their sisters. Does insurance pay when their is suicide?