Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Jubilation or saddness!

Let me be very clear, I am happy that Barack Obama is the president elect. However, the ongoing conversation about him being a black man is disturbing. We keep hearing comments made about how far we have come. Historically, this may be true, but it speaks volumes about "American" humanity. The fact that a person of color cannot be judged based on what he/she brings to the table is a sad commentary. I will wait to see how President Obama is treated by the naysayers. History will prove whether America is truly a great nation. I am optimistic, but this change that is consistently being mentioned leaves me skeptical. Yet, I am inspired by what he has been able to accomplish in a short period of time. Never in my lifetime could I have imagined that so many people were inspired by politics. The unprecedented number of newly registered voters speaks volumes about President Obama's vision. What took so long America?
" Reflect upon your obstacles and educate yourself for more growth." Dr. BLR


Anonymous said...

We have learned through past experiences that we will forever be judged by the color of our skin and not the content of our character. Pres. Obama is faced with an arduous task, but just as we built this country, he is about to show this country, that we can run it. He is cool, calculated, a master of organization and a worthy scholar. I have no doubt that under his leadership we will continue to make history.

Anonymous said...

I am all for Obama and he has a steep mountain to climb. We should not look forward to the changes he would make as a African American but as the President of the United States. He do have good vision to bring about change and I personally feel he would need more than four years to make them. (SPC-1739)

Anonymous said...

I think that Obama being elected is a great thing. Whether black or white or hispanic, this country needed new leadership and we got the person who seems to be the most open to changing how things are done. I do believe that it was a very historic event. Whether it should have happened already is another debate. The fact that he was elected should be looked as an important step in the growth of this very young nation

Anonymous said...

I personaly agree with anonymous idealogy that, obama shoulh be gaven more time for the change he had promise the American people.The reason is that so many thins had been broken down, so there is need to repaired these things.

Anonymous said...

I am very surprise how Pres. Obama rose to the White House in a short time. First, he had only 2 years as a Senator. Second, he did not have much to share or show of what he is capable of doing. Third, the whole Nation, 65%-75% if not more, believed in him.

When I hear people saying "We have learned through past experiences that we will forever be judged by the color of our skin and not the content of our character" I feel sorry. This person is just living slavery all over again.

Many black leaders have raise in the World as great leaders. One of the most powerful positions in the World is the Secretary of the United Nations. There along we had two or three Secretaries of dark skin.

But some people are living in the "box" and think only inside of the "box", which he/she is living in. Many think that America is the World and that is it.I love America and fought for her. But com'on, look outside of the "box", think outside of "box".

There is time for everything under the sun. This is the time for President Obama. This is the time of a new begining.

( ES 1810)

Anonymous said...

The election of President Obama to the White House is a tremendous jubilation not only in the United States of America, but also in the whole world. We can say that his election is one of the greatest landmarks in the 21st century. Ultimately, his performance as president will have to be evaluated on the basis of a balanced administration and not his race, so that it does not lack an objective and concise evaluation.

Anonymous said...

Im also happy that Obama was elected President of the United States. He made history with his election not only by being the first african american but the only democrat to win republican states and have so many young and new voters come and take place in this historical event. I hope the best of his skills come in play and makes the right decisions in his leadership.


Anonymous said...

We can't lose focus of the fact that Barack Obama is the first bi-racial president of the United States of America. We tend to focus on the obvious and, in doing so, we limit ourselves. Neither the democratic nomination nor the presidential inauguration of Pres. Obama should be seen as an "black" victory. As a person of mixed descent, he represents the promise that if you work hard and believe in something as passionately as Pres. Obama does, it will happen. Regardless of whether you're black or otherwise. He deserves all the praise that he's received thus far due in large part to his character and his unblemished reputation. I am eager to know how people feel now that President-elect Barack Obama is in office. Is the optimism still there?

K.G. 3792

Anonymous said...

if Obama can change the nation let him. we have come a long way. during the time that he was running for president black people actually took notice, less fighting and shooting, well except the white people that were killing Obama supporters. other than that he already has made great strides forward the future.

CC 3103

Anonymous said...

I think he is going to do the impossible and some are afraid of seeing him succeed. It's almost as if they want him to fail because of his race. As long as we as a people back him and support him we will overcome alot of obstacles. I truly believe that this man can make a change. Not because he is black but because he's capable of doing job.


Anonymous said...

Just because he's black is not the problem. People act as if he's the savor for African Americans, but as soon as he make a mistake they will start hate him. At the end of the day i am happy he is the president.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately no matter what these white folks think this world is theirs. HA please people were here before they so called discovered America. So who are they to think they own it that this is their country. If we fought for slavery to abolish why the hell are there still confederate flags waving high. I wanted to burn it once when i took a trip to Georgia but my friend pulled me in the car and said they will kill you for that and not a single soul around here will care or say anything. I began to cry how is this possible? Why? This is crazy who do these people think they are we are all human black, latino, asian, chinese, arabic whatever. So who the hell are they to judge by the color of skin. I've done my research on true history not HIS-story that we're taught, they've hidden a lot from us it is our job to find out what to become a stronger nation based on facts on true knowledge not on this crap they're feeding us. Obama is a proud representation that we are finally starting to fight back to regain what we all know is ours not the white mans. They brought africans here to work because they knew they were strong structural people. The white man had no idea how in gods name these intellectual people built these pyramids. They took the word "nika" which means god and changed it to nigger. They set it up from the door. What do you think about that!!!???

S.S. 8161

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you why does it have to be about the color of his skin?Why not what he can bring to the table its about time America wakes up.A.B 1291

Anonymous said...

I'm happy that Barack Obama was the president elect and it's good that finally a black man has been able to reach this level. But everyone is making such a big deal about America coming so far. It's been too long and too many people have suffered so we haven't come very far in my opinion. This is just America trying to make itself look good again. Hopefully Obama will be able to make some real change.
SG 4591

Anonymous said...

Having a the first black president is a jubilation , not only for blacks but for America .In fact , it dictates to American people that the fourteenth amendment is still alive .Besides , it is a victory over certain countries in Europe where segregation is really severe ,blacks really do not have a chance .

LJ 6631

Anonymous said...

I'm very happy that we have a black man as our president for the first time in American history, i hope he inspire all the black kids to stay and do more in have big dream for the future because by believing they can achieved everything in life.don't think for a second that will be easy for the black children because, the oppressor( racist) will be expected more from them, than what the president has accomplish. JS7920

Anonymous said...

This goes down in the history book , first Black president and how many more to come , Well I feel like there is a reason they have allowed us to win the election , especially while America is an financial crisis and turbulence with the economy . While Washington D.C is frozen .Well, our last president Bush 's adjudication was by far the worst and unsuccessful. But I am proud to be an American and and proud of our first black president ...... Congrates and Best Wishes goes out to Obama whom is very intellectual and sophisticated , I know he will make us happy , however Americans needed change .......... I would have wished it was sooner then now .NG(5062)

DC0109 said...

I cried tears of joy the moment he won. I was on the phone with my then girlfriend and at my best-friends house watching the votes come in. It was the 1st time either of them had taken any interest in government (not politics). My eyes are actually watering up as i recall the event. "WE DID IT!!!" We all began to shout, and I began to receive tons of text msgs and voice-mails.

I was excited that I had helped place HOPE in the White House, not "black" hope, "my" hope. I was excited that people who saw no reason to vote, or felt that their vote did not count, were now overjoyed and glad to have participated in U.S. democratic sysytem. There really didn't seem to be any other candidates in the last few decades worth getting excited about.

Although I appreciate the historical significance of having elected the first black president into office, but we are not a greater nation because we did that. We are a greater nation because we elected the better leadership.

I had witnessed this once before on a local level, and man does it feel good!!!

Anonymous said...

The society on where we live don't care about person who are no in his good year. One of the concequences of the capitalism is when you no good you are reject N. T 3580

Anonymous said...

When President Obama was elected I encountered an feeling that I have never felt before. I could remember all the years people saying there would never be a African American President or a Women and I am just happy that I was able to witness all the glory. I do think that the pressure is on him and people expected him to just jump in and clean up what someone destroyed within 8 years. That job can't be easy in any way.
