Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Jubilation or saddness!

Let me be very clear, I am happy that Barack Obama is the president elect. However, the ongoing conversation about him being a black man is disturbing. We keep hearing comments made about how far we have come. Historically, this may be true, but it speaks volumes about "American" humanity. The fact that a person of color cannot be judged based on what he/she brings to the table is a sad commentary. I will wait to see how President Obama is treated by the naysayers. History will prove whether America is truly a great nation. I am optimistic, but this change that is consistently being mentioned leaves me skeptical. Yet, I am inspired by what he has been able to accomplish in a short period of time. Never in my lifetime could I have imagined that so many people were inspired by politics. The unprecedented number of newly registered voters speaks volumes about President Obama's vision. What took so long America?
" Reflect upon your obstacles and educate yourself for more growth." Dr. BLR