Saturday, May 24, 2008

What gang does more damage?

Over the past few weeks, law enforcement agencies have made a concerted effort to arrest the most violent individuals who are involved in gangs. The crimes that these individuals have committed warrants them being taken off the streets and possibly locked up for life. However, are they the only gangs that are committing crimes? It can be argued that corporate America is the most destructive and violent gang imaginable. Let's compare the two groups. Urban gangs maintain their status via intimidation. Corporate America maintains its status by setting outlandish prices for oil, gas, electricity, healthcare and food. Which one intimidates you more? Urban gangs sell illegal drugs to fund their activities. Corporate America funds many of these foreign countries that grow, manufacture and export drugs to the United States. Which one intimidates you more? Are we locking up the right gang members?

" Live life so that your morals and values cannot be questioned." Dr. BLR


Anonymous said...

Urban gangs intimidates more than Corporate America gangs because they hurt and kill many innocent lives in society daily. To illustrate, one live scared all the time to be a victim of any gang initiation crime or just to be a victom at random. Again, on my personal experience, I feel more threatened by urban gangs because they live in our neighborhoods and can strike anybody unexpectedly.

Anonymous said...

Corporate America or Urban Gangs? What a choice? One help to bring the parasite while the other one infest America.Which one intimidates me more? Neither one. But the gangesters in the Senate and Congress and the IRS. They are the worse ones and get way with whatever they do.

ES 1810

Anonymous said...

Neither one is an asset to us the people of this country urban gsngs think they rule the streets and corporate gangs think they rule the nation. Both are making everyone suffer...

S.S. 8161

Anonymous said...

I agree, they are both the worst. Both are only helping to make the condition of this country worse, and both affect innocent lives. Just because gangs don't run the streets in business suits and you won't find corporate America in hoodies and baggy jeans doesn't mean they don't have things in common.
SG 4591

Anonymous said...

I agree wit you guys ,you see every single politician has a gang behind him or her .Therefore, law enforcement officers should arrest those politicians as well.By doing so,you technically cut the support of violent individuals on the streets.

LJ 6631

Anonymous said...

Both are corrupt. One brings terror to the streets and the other brings terror to the economy. The only diffence is that street gangs take lives and commit violence crimes. The latter commits white collar crimes. The diffence between the two is felony or a misdermenor. DG7659

Anonymous said...

I think the one we don't see(Corporate America Gangs) is far more worst than the one we see every day(Urban Gangs) on the street.the urban gangs members get arrested all the time while the Corporate American gangs getting whatever they want because they have money ,power and the law in their side ,who do you think going to stand up for the unfortunate ones, no one of course because when the get cut they will be replace by other one. now who do you think transport and distribute, illegal stuff that urban gangs have access too.of course they are they one in charge and causing all the damage in society.JS7920

Anonymous said...

I say urban gangs and corporate america gangs both do this world no justice. Its a shame when deciding which one is more destructive. I think they both are because innocent people always get hurt in process whether its killing someone else , illegal sales of drugs or merchandise, money or greed. Its a growing problem no matter which way we look at it...RSI-3774

Anonymous said...

On different ways both bring terror on the society. One the gangs are visible but the other is not simple to visualize Both are terrible 3580