Sunday, March 23, 2008

Media, friend or foe?

Many of us are resigned to receive out daily news information from several sources of media. The normal news channels and our familiar radio programs normally tell us what is going on. Can it be that they really want to keep us informed? Or can it be that they are brainwashing us regarding what they want us to think. How often do you question the information that they are supplying? Are you a discerning consumer and seek alternative sources of information? If not, why not? The recent media frenzy in reference to former New York Governor, Elliott Spitzer's relations with an adult made for interesting news headlines, or did it? Should we care? Moreover, should we care what pastors and political aides say on behalf of presidential candidates? When will it stop and when will the media get back to reporting what is important? Did you know that people are dying in the sub-Saharan due to starvation? Is that news or does Brittney Spears trump everything?

" Making an effort to expand your level of comfort guarantees growth." Dr. BLR


Anonymous said...

You should always be the judge and jury when deciding what you do or do not believe to be true.

Taking things at face value should be reserved only when the resource is a trusted person who has some sort of stake in your well being and/or has a well balanced history of honesty. And even then there should be some reserve on your part to use your own discretion.

In the case of Governor Spitzer I don't necessarily have any interest in his personal life. But, I do think the specific nature of his dishonesty is interesting as he has very publicly been an advocate against this type of immoral behavior.

Yes, most of us know that there all people starving all over the world but if we pay attention to those in pain we might feel a sense of responsibility or maybe even guilt. Facing reality and having those thoughts are not comfortable so most of us do not care to contemplate such matters. However, indulging in the ridiculous behavior and the nonsense of celebrity does not test our values any way thereby trumping matters their dare us to evaluate ourselves. (9510)

Anonymous said...

I do not think that we are being brainwashed, I think that we are being informed. We have a choice to watch, or not to watch, also to listen or not to listen. It all depends on what we think is important to us.But it is also true that on many occasion too much time is spent on reporting matters of very little significance, because there are many important matters that do not make the news. In view of the above I think the media could be more useful and deliver more quality information. I still view the media as a friend, not a foe.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the news are more in Britney Spears than any other important and tragedic news.
Honestly media has been published by anyone now in days.
They publish more accidents, dramas than any good news.

Anonymous said...

I have to laugh when the news somes on. They beat the same info into us at 7am, 12 noon, 5pm and 10pm. I would like to know who decides what news stories gets on the air. Apparently they think all we to see is death and violence. I just wish they would try to find more stories with happier endings. I dont know how that would affect their ratings its just my opinion. If I believe half of what they reort on tv its a lot. 2530

Anonymous said...

The media is not there to inform the people, the media is there to keep the people divided. While the powerful few continue to do their dirt.8879

Anonymous said...

I agree with the person above me. The media to me is not to inform people. The media likes to embrass people. The media also only tells you what they want you to hear

Anonymous said...

I believe that the media only provides the viewer certain things to keep watching the channel or to buy the paper "celebrated cases" other than really informing us.


Anonymous said...

this is the reason i stop watching the television, i find the weather man has more to say than anythingelse.yes we should be informed not everyday with the same news in a differnet version, give me a break the news use to be worth watching until bush became president now we watch everything but good news.(7593)

Anonymous said...

The news media can mislead you however, it can helpfully inform you so i think the question is when are you being mislead or are you? 4539

Anonymous said...

I think the news is a plot to keep everyone that watches it in like a bubble. Like they tell us what they want us to hear and nothing more then that. I dont even watch news anymore because all the news reports is bad news. i think that when they report about stuff like Britney Spears losing her mind or Paris Hilton drinking and driving,its an attempt to lighten up the current bad sitiuations. i often question what they say, even the weather man. You cant even listen to him because when he says its going to rain its snows. its crazy. they dont focus on the important stuff like the fact that in the inner cities there is drugs being sold on school properties or the how many children that are in the DYFS system that cant get any help. Or how about the ones that get help and wind up in the same situations that they were takien from.CA7739

Anonymous said...

I believe that media is purely for brainwashing people. that is why people am now learning to question everything that i see in the media and i always try to reason why certain news is getting get more emphased than others. i for example always have a problem when they bring my country on the T.v. I am always shocked by what i see because my country looks nothing like that. But I guess that is how these country want people to know about my country so that they can be justified if they try to force themselves in as they always do in the name of trying to help.

Anonymous said...

There are alog of things on the news that are not really important, like celebrities. they repeat the same things over and over again about celebrities. As far as Spitzer, I feel that if he did't advertise that he was totally against what he did, it would not have been such a problem for him.

Anonymous said...

I agree with that. Its everyones decision where they want to get their information from and what they want to investigate on whats true and whats not. Yes the media overly exaggerates dumb stories and drags people thru the mud just for entertainment, but money makes the world go round and whatever is going to sell is what their going to put out. If the people changed their interest on what quality news is, then maybe the news would change also. SPC7202

Anonymous said...

Honostly the media tells us what we want to hear. The sad part is that many Americans are more interested in Britney spears and sex scandals then they are in people starving in sub-Saharan Africa or our troops and civilians dieing in Iraq.

Anonymous said...

For the past decade or so that I'm aware of the media has failed to do its job. It focuses on entertainment and feature news opposed to hard news stories that are important and relevant to our culture. This is the reason why many Americans do not know what is going on in the world or even in the United States. The media today doesn't report real news. Even if someone watches the news they do not get relevant information about the world. Today's culture has changed for the worst. The best thing we can do is look for alternative news sources or let the media know how we feel. Although they will not change their methods if they are making money with what they are currently doing. The media has also become very biased in reporting not giving whole truths. Hopefully time will change. SPC5936

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with a couple of the bloggers above The media to me is not to inform people. The media likes to embrass people. The media also only tells you what they want you to hear. SPC 6169

Anonymous said...

I see it as my personal responsibility to be well-informed of what occurs in the world that we live in. To do anything else would be confining myself to a bubble, my own little world where I know it all and no one else knows anything. Everyone has a story and there are always three sides, both sides and the truth. It is up to us broaden our horizons and expose ourselves to a variety of media outlets without taking any one too seriously in order to get the most out of the news. I listen and observe, taking in what is important or pertinent to myself and those I know, the rest is merely a technicality. You have to scratch beyond the surface (UPN9, CW11 etc. ) to get to the heart of the matters (CNN, MSNBC, ABC, etc.) that are important to you, assuming you have no interest in whether or not Britney Spears is wearing underwear today.

K.G. 3792

Anonymous said...

You probably heard " DOn't belief everything you see in the news or newspaper". The MEDIA wants to boost up their rating, thus it generates propagandas of facts instead of real facts. They invade the privacy of others, such as celebrities, and make their lives impossible to live without fear and privacy. And they are the first ones to say that cops violates peoples' life. Right!

The MEDIA provides an incomplete story before all the facts are put together because they want to have a bigger rating than their opponent, thus given a false impression of reality. But when all the facts all brought up to light they don't correct the misleading news and explain to the public what really happened.

They are so corrupted just like politicians and "cops", since most people think that all cops are corrupt due to the misleading of the MEDIA. This is only my opnion.

ES 1810

Anonymous said...

You decide what you choose to accept as your truth, understand that before anything else is said. We all know the media only stresses what they know will sell and unfortunately people are use to reading about drama and/or tragedy. They want to know all the bad things going on around the world but not about the important stuff because a bunch of starving families don't want to be shown on tv, it does not attract viewers as a matter of fact I've noticed a lot of people change the channel when those kind of commercials come on. But like i say once again do your research. The government is full of conspiracies don't think for a second the news itself is not set up to attract a certain group of people like personally I noticed Fox News attracts republicans. They will lie to you a million times without any remorse to cover their own tracks so never believe what is simply said...

S.S. 8161

Anonymous said...

Never believe anything said by the media or news because it is never the whole story. Do your own research on the subject remember the media is set up to attract viewers, so they will say it all. The government is another issue,conspiracy masters, they'll lie until their face turns blue to cover their tracks...

S.S. 8161

Anonymous said...

The media is a form of entertainment.The media is going to over exaggerate things to keep their audience.Its a fact no one wants to hear anything positive on the news thats borin.KG 2738

Anonymous said...

We should all know by now that media is biased, tv newspapers everything. They have a certain view and that's all they will tell you. I don't know if all media started out like that, but I hope that one day we can focus on things that are really important and look at it from both sides.
SG 4591

Anonymous said...

I think media magnify news in an extravagant fashion , but we should be critical consumers of the media .In my opinion , Pitzers should have been exonerated because the legalization of prostitution is a hot issue .Besides, i think that only his wife should have been concerned about this issue .All in all , the government is too intrusive as well as the mainstream media .

On the other hand ,he should have squandered his own personal money on prostitution .

LJ 6631

Anonymous said...

Darnell Me personally, I am rarely tuned in to news channels for the simple fact the news isn't really considered news to me. I prefer to stay aware of the news in my own community. I am not interested nor do I want to be informed of news that has no relevance.

Anonymous said...

I personaly do not watch the news i think that all that is jus to use us as puppets, and it does not help society at all. i guess that i would watch the news the day that the media is not own by people who make weapons and run the military. that would be the day we can star having some real news i don't even watch the disnay channel since the poorn industry owns Disnay. news are there just to make us elect a president and to let us know that some celebrity pay some one to have sex. yeah that is real news?????????.
most of us are use to hear this type of news. but does the news tell you that tap water is better than a battle of water. if you are intrested in this check out and search for bottled and sold and fiji water. did you know that cites like c-span and news that are not run by the goverment are been close down and few people know of these sites.