Friday, June 26, 2020

Will transparency lead to police harassment?

There's no doubt that law enforcement is coming under severe scrutiny. Some police officers are being exposed for their brutality against people they are supposed to protect. I would be totally against publicly posting the officers' names if it weren't for the fact that many of the so-called good apples don't report their rogue colleagues. Police departments have never been truly capable of policing themselves. Unfortunately, they will have to endure this spotlight to clean up the profession. Hopefully, lessons will be learned, and they can restore the prestige lost because they chose to remain silent.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

What part of the 99% are friends with the 1%

The conversation as of late has been that only about 1% of police officers are bad. However, what do you say about the 99% who know about the heinous deeds of the 1% and never report them? Hmmm.
Police officers have been getting suspended or fired for racist comments made on social media. The First Amendment is not protecting their free speech, and it shouldn't. Maybe they need to choose a new line of work. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

When are they going to learn?

While policing is a difficult job, realizing that your actions WILL be filmed is tougher for some officers to learn. I don't know the entire backstory to this incident, but once that bystander yelled at the police officer to stop choking that young man, something should have registered. I guess his suspension will allow him time to reflect on his actions. Maybe this picture will help him. 

Friday, June 12, 2020

Defund the police?

There have been many contentious debates regarding defunding the police in the era of Black Lives Matter. The premise is to remove resources from the police and assign them to areas in which police officers may not be needed. While the thought process may be well-intended, it may lead to problems when the specialized groups try to address individuals who may suffer from mental health issues or who may be homeless. What happens when they get violent? Who will be there to resolve matters? I will see what the proposals are and then make a more informed decision to say whether it's a good idea.