Sunday, June 21, 2009

NJSP can't find enough black candidates.

I read an article in the Star Ledger about the New Jersey State Police (NJSP) and their inability to hire an adequate number of black candidates. Can the NJSP be blamed if black men and women chose other professions, which may be more lucrative? Is the NJSP doing enough? They profess to be aggressively recruiting in venues with a large minority population, e.g, colleges, and churches, but still cannot find qualified individuals. Is there something wrong with the test? How about the background investigation? Is it so stringent that it places too high a standard for youths coming from inner cities? Will their history of discrimination and exclusion continually be dredged up? What can they do to turn this situation around? The article goes on to espouse the wonderful job they have done to increase the number of latinos. I think they should be applauded for their efforts, however, the promotion rates for those same latinos are disproportionate to their actual numbers.  The NJSP will continue to face this quandary as long as 80% of the troopers graduating the NJSP academy are white males, especially in a state where the minority population is increasing. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

"Friendly fire" what is wrong with this term?

Is it just me or is this term an oxymoron? As I look at this picture I see a young man who tried to make a difference. He is old enough to be my son. What do you tell his wife, kids and parents? From everything I have read, there is no doubt this was an unfortunate accident. Nonetheless, when do these accidents stop? History may confirm that police officers of color are overwhelmingly killed by their white colleagues due to "friendly fire." Why is this happening? I do not want to speculate because I was not there, but the results are very disturbing. I would venture to say that the NYPD will do everything to minimize the racial issue, which will be so prominent in the internal investigation. Of course, the police unions will downplay it as well. What can we do? May you rest in peace Omar.