Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Will they ever learn and who will pay?

Jury finds NJ Transit top cop retaliated against employeePosted by cjrothma February 25, first female lieutenant on the NJ Transit police force was awarded $1.5 million today after a jury in Newark found the agency's top cop retaliated against her after she complained of sexual discrimination. The case of Lt. Theresa Frizalone was one of a series that had been filed in recent years against NJ Transit and its police chief, Joseph Bober. A 20-year veteran of the force, Frizalone charged she was passed over for promotions, which cost her salary and benefits and, after she complained about that, suffered retaliation and emotional distress.William Perlman/The Star-LedgerChief Joseph Bober of NJ Transit Police speaks at a press conference in Newark in this 2004 file photo.The jury of five women and three men at state Superior Court in Newark awarded Frizalone $449,000 in lost wages and benefits, along with $1 million in punitive damages. Frizalone is also entitled to have her legal fees paid by NJ Transit and the bill for that, so far, is upward of $500,000. The jury deliberated for a total of six hours. "What the jury found is that NJ Transit and Chief Bober retaliated against Terry," said one of Frizalone's attorneys, Chris Lenzo. "'They found it was especially egregious. NJ Transit (officials) still haven't learned their lesson. They just don't get it. Someone needs to send them a message. These people have just tried to cover it up again and again." NJ Transit issued a statement this afternoon, saying "We are reviewing our options to appeal the verdict," and explaining that the agency is committed to diversity. In 1992, Frizalone, now 47, received wide attention when she became the first woman promoted to sergeant at the police force. Five years later, she became NJ Transit's first woman lieutenant. By mid-2008, Frizalone was among five NJ Transit police officers who filed separate lawsuits accusing Bober of harassment, discrimination and retaliation. One officer said the police chief punched him in public, putting him in the hospital. Another said he was denied a promotion because he was on active duty in Iraq. A third alleged that Bober has been intentionally trying to "weed out" minority officers since taking the reins of the police force responsible for the rails, trains and stations statewide. Frizalone, the first to file a lawsuit, alleged Bober denied her a promotion, criticized her appearance and, at one point, "told her to 'stop being so emotional."' The lieutenant, who has, among other assignments, held the top police post at Newark's Penn Station, said she complained formally about the treatment but the matter was not pursued. What did happen, she said, was that Bober retaliated against her by changing her assignments, taking away her authority and then putting her in command of the so-called "radio desk" communications center - "a punishment detail." Bober has been with NJ Transit for 35 years and run the police department since 2002. He earns $155,000.
UPDATE: Chief Bober was forced to resign today based on the results of the lawsuit...oh well.

Insane or sore loser?


I am all for free speech and all that jazz. I think Mr. Alan Keyes is a tad bit upset that he did not win the presidency. He speaks as if he is someone that is taken seriously. These types always come out of the wood work to do the bidding of others. I think a good dosage of racial profiling will bring him around. Face it Mr. Keyes, President Obama won and you did not. Now get back in the house. Just my take on this matter. PS, I did a little research, check bottom link, and it appears that President Obama soundly defeated Mr. Keyes in 2004 for another political office. I think it is best that Mr. Keyes and Mr. Michael Steele, GOP leader, take their ball and go home. Neither one of them wants to play together, even with those that look like them. It is a shame that they are experiencing some "Black Cognitive Dissonance." PSS,when you see my "Uncle Tom" tell him I said what's up.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

They just don't get it or don't care.

Several thoughts are conjured up when I observed the recent New York Post cartoon caption. My first thought was about the chimpanzee maiming the woman in New York. Upon closer inspection I realized that it was targeted toward President Obama and the stimulus package that he just signed. I was disturbed by the cartoon's content. I think that it is in poor taste and not deserving of any media attention, but then I realized that it was a first amendment issue. The Post has the right to write and/or draw what they believe will sell a newspaper. This is their right! However, the American public does not have to purchase the paper. By not purchasing this paper the cartoon becomes not important and not worthy of any media attention. The Rev. Al Sharpton is doing the right thing, but their disgust with this issue will only sell more papers and be on the 10 o'clock news for several days. The media is not driven by morals only that if it "bleeds it leads." Let's not pour fuel on this fire. This lunacy will pass...we can move on. There will be other racists depictions about President Obama, so channel your energy toward things that you are capable of changing. These individuals and/or organizations just do not get it.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Is it as bad as it seems?

I think there is something in the water in California. The police officers cannot get a break from these video cameras. It is apparent that the homeless man is resisting, but was the force utilized by the police officers necessary or excessive? It was rather interesting to hear that witnesses to this event had retained attorneys. Moreover, the police department has been accused of this type of heavy handed policing in the past. I would like to read the report submitted by the officers. I am quite sure there are some extenuating circumstances...I just did not see them in the video. You decide if he deserved to be punched in the face. Keep in mind, he WAS resisting arrest. Let the comments begin because I am sure you have an opinion, so share. Lastly, if you get an opportunity, please scroll down on the first link and read some of the comments left by the readers of the newspaper article. It is alarming to think that these type of people walk among us.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Do not piss on my leg and tell me it is raining!

This entire recession fiasco is truly a joke. Yes, we are financially strapped, however, for one moment if you expect me to believe that our politicians are not in on this, you have got to be kidding me. I had an opportunity to see our politicians question the CEO's of some of the major banking organizations today. Of course, they put on a grand spectacle, but who are they kidding. These same politicians are probably some of the biggest crooks, yet,we continue to elect them. I will let the facts speak for themselves and you can decide. I am through with this charade.