Friday, January 16, 2009

NYPD efficiency or hypocrisy? You be the judge.

The utilization of statistic has been in controversy for many years. Some would argue that you can make stats say whatever you want them to say. The revelation that the NYPD is stopping and questioning blacks and Latinos is on pace to break a record. If you were the victim of a crime, carried out by blacks and Latinos, you would consider this effective police work. However, what if you were the unsuspecting black or Latino who was questioned...just because, then how would you feel? I guess there is no right answer. It depends on your personal perspective. The following articles might help you with your position.$38476

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Police officers killing each other

Police officers have a very stressful job, which sometimes carries over into their personal lives. They are no different than most citizens and are not immune from getting involved in acts of domestic violence. Domestic violence is an insidious and cowardly act committed by those who are not in control of their emotions. There is no defense for anyone who does it. Police officers accused of this act are subject to losing their weapons and ultimately their jobs. Many cannot deal with the ramifications and on occasion they commit murder-suicide. Often times the law enforcement profession does not see or chooses not to see the effects of stress on an officer, unless they are totally out of control. Many police officers can mask their problems and choose other options to resolve the internal strife. However, when it comes to family matters, they sometimes take it out on their loved ones. The fact that police officers carry weapons makes domestic violence in their household a bit more serious. Moreover, if both participants are police officers, it makes the situation more volatile. There are avenues to be explored for police officers to get the help that they need. Yet, many choose not to get the required help and take matters into their own hands, which results in the loss of precious life.,0,2228339.story