Saturday, July 26, 2008

Whistleblowers: A necessary evil or just disgruntled people

Who will stand up and do the right thing when law enforcement does not? What are we to say about the courageous men and women who put their careers and sometimes lives on the line just to do the right thing? Will the "Blue wall of silence" be torn down? Does the street motto "snitches get stitches" pertain to police officers? Does Serpico come to mind?

Thursday, July 17, 2008

New Jersey State Police lawsuit

In the wake of the New Jersey State Police (NJSP) attempting to be released from a federal consent decree, 23 Black and Hispanic troopers filed a lawsuit claiming they were overlooked for advancement based on their race. It has been well documented that the NJSP have had problems with discrimination against minorities, as well as female. Emotions will run high and morale will definitely suffer. However, based on the specifics of the lawsuit, the results should be beneficial to all that want a fair and equitable promotion system. In the coming weeks more should be learned and what steps will be taken to rectify this matter. Regardless, the damage is done and the NJSP has to deal with more negative press. Change is in order, but where should it begin?

"Expect nothing from others and more from yourself." Dr. BLR