Tuesday, November 13, 2007

NYPD at it again, but who's at fault?

If your mother calls the police and tells them that you are out of control and is threatening her with a gun, what are the police supposed to do? This shooting, not doubt, will call for more scrutiny for the NYPD. However, is it warranted? The police officers that responded to the scene were under the assumption that the person who they were coming to apprehend had a weapon, which was corroborated by the alleged victim's mother. The stress that the police officers must have been under could only be imagined. Is it safe to assume that the police were justified in opening fire on an individual that has mental health problems, coupled with the fact that he may have had a gun? The family of the victim will have to come to grips with their personal role that they played in the killing of their loved one. What are we as a society to do to stop this type of behavior? Moreover, why does this type of tragedy always seem to happen in the poorer communities?

" Manage your internal confliction before it is managed for you." Dr. BLR